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Finally a useful purpose for VR
his facts dont care about logic
Doctor Strange sure has a different definition of winning
or 1 wooden sword
Mama mia
Our lord and savior
Who did? Not me.
Boomer memes best memes
Someone loves their pets
*Insert Perry noises*
The only time when girls talk to guys in the office
this will be a lot shorter movie
Oh. This seems like a good pet.
When an old couple on Tinder try to lure you in as their third.
Leaked footage of Huawei's new OS
That kid needs a little perspective
Ze guvnor
Like talking religion with a stranger
One picture says it all
and stay away from kids
the most uneventful jojo chapter
Americans! Thank you
Enjoy your life
More like poolio amirite guys
Some of you can hear this picture.
Best cup ever, beer stays cold for hours. A while ago I jokingly told her I'd steal it.....
Poor dino
But mom! That's my food!
Maybe tomorow
being both black and a gamer is an oppression paradox
"Hehe, we should draw our dicks on the field."
To be factually correct, Marian Rejewski broke first couple versions of Enigma before Turing
Time to challenge a Tornado
And WoB was saved
No Fear!
Gotta escape the friendzone
Concert Dad
As someone who has to be at the airport every other week, this hurts
"for the watch"
This caterpillar is my new role model
How Sweet LOL
And that is why she is a Queen
Someone put shark fins in this field
My local Mexican restaurant always has the best signs out front
A true classic
6 seasons later
Coexist? No... wait
I'll get check, you get tip!
Going on vacation for 10.666667 days.
Whatcha watchin'?
How girls social media posts be these days
We need a reset
Any girl that says Hi to me.
Tiny bladder problems
I found what was missing from this
You're in for a bad time
Stop crying on her lap, you're ruining picnic.
Very good for business
When she sends you mixed signals
Pre-planned murder!!
This sign on a beach in Lithuania
My sister brushed an entire dog of hair out of her dog
Tried to send a picture of the 28 pound cat I saw.
I always wondered why it's called a trunk...
My Uber driver was up to something...
Mean cup
Afraid of change?
What can come fo this?
Motivation 100
So proud
There is definitely a problem
Tuppors dyslexics
Nothing to see here
My neighbor made a mini version of their shed to put on top of their shed.
Just a harmless Photo....
The battle rages.
PBF Comics - Astronaut Fall
My best friend shot himself in the leg not too long ago and was in ICU for a week. I saw this snd sent it to him. ..!!
No chromo
A Fascinating Specimen
Infinity Gauntlet in Alladin
Elon takes it to another level, yet again.
My friend applied for a job at a pet store and put this in his application...
For fun I design fake products that solve problems in an unnecessary way. The iDangle is the hands free way to watch your phone inches from your face in bed.
Get the WATER NI**A
I am the moon