My pregnant wife sent this to me at 2:12am this morning. I'm going to guess that my snoring was quite bad last night.

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Officer POOP
Too perfect
until they take your whole wardrobe
"I'm just a Poe Boy."
Hoo ha
Durable and Absorbent
Sing at my favorite local gas station.
Two Hours That I’m Never Getting Back
*** it, I’ll start my own country
Its for sure reliable
Welp - at least something in common
The name brings success.
Keanu Con
Duck duck ANAL
My local science centre rocks.
Sign at my local dollar store
My soul animal
Unfortunately, incorrect
Literally every time I post and it dies in new
I used to want to move to Australia.....then my buddy sent me a picture of his porch and it was so much nope
Sister in laws bookmark. So inspiring.
Closed captioning shows what Kenny is saying
How to trick yourself into studying.
Blue Screen of Death Star
Where my bois at
Gee you're right...
”I see pain behind those eyes”
ricky and bubbles
Walmart finally smartens up!
Are you ready to meet your maker?
Na mate
Every time I find a good game...
I love you as a friend
just saw this and figured it belongs here
Cam girl time.
My favorite texts
Just found out that IKEA carries a globe of the Earth's surface in 2050.
How nice of them.
Don't forget to bring supplies
Multitasking In The Summer Heat
The very rare & elusive Hummingbear
Never thought of furries having standards
Another great tip for people owners
Me enjoying an ice cream in the park. The stand users fighting next to me :
is this a TV show?
Old but gold sry for the bad quality
Why though?!
Did they though??
Try an Ale
Not aged well at all
How my kids see my car
Senior Things - 2070
Is it any of you?
How the East Coast is dealing with this heat.
My neighbors )
Nice to meat you....
I’m not sure, which one would be more enjoyable.
Oh god please
I was told it’s not cool for dad to walk to the bus stop anymore. So I walk him in my costume. Enjoy middle school, son.
Sicc burn
Mine looks like Voldemort
Looks like a bean bag
None of them exist.
Northern European Hide and Seek Champion 1976
Just found this on imgur - Lil Trumplings
It was about the time for someone do it in real life
Parenting is easy
so sed
Skyrim the movie
Perfectly Balanced, and it was Beautiful...
Food perception
I kept seeing these funny pet portrait ads, and I wanted one for my cat, Shane. So, I made one!
DeviantArt was a mistake
Inspired by the post from earlier. I felt it had to be done.
Seems delicious
Everybody’s using FaceApp these days
Focusing will set you free.
Game of spoons
Has wares if you have coin
no amount of burn heal will help you now
It's funny cuz it's what life's like.
This happens to me way too often
Illegal man.
so sed
Destruction 200
UK pls
My 6 year old made us dinner tonight...
A super simple life hack
I’ll give you something to cry about.