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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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He's right
MTV Mothers
Whenever I get hate mail on xbox.
Just get's me every time
Are you even trying?
Human...can i haz cuddle?
They act like their special for saying they play videogames
Gifs make HUGELOL so much funnier
Woah thanks
Was NOT in Spy Kids
Take me with you please!
Had to literally illustrate my point...
Gotta love class trips
The Canadian Swim Team
Boobs, they jump
Me when somebody pays me hotel rent in Monopoly
Can't even read my own handwriting
You can die in peace now.
Go back to prison
How about a magic trick?
Next time I want to sleep inside
See you space ninja.
They See Me Rollin'
Talking about Luck
Awesome teacher
The difference
Smoking with a gas mask
I thought that this was illegal
Love letters. Man vs Woman.
That face...
Seriously... WTF?
When she was a boy
Tumblr is not the only one with issues
That's one long finger
Oh bill
She looks a lot more better without make-up
I dont need this one anymore
Yep, yep, yep, nope.
This is fairly accurate.
The sad truth
Safety first!
Poor slim shady..
Video games : the master question
Your internet Sucks.
Dog costume
F*ck is this creapy
A v*gina
The best way to do it
I'll be happy too
How to fold a T-shirt in 5 seconds
Sadness lvl: over 9000
Every day...
Mom, get out!!!!
Probably a Canadian...?
The volume Switch
Well done cat...
No description needed
When someone makes a great joke about me
Uggs are for cold, but shorts are for warm
Cut for Bieber
Excuse bob
''you're too old for anime''
Old school Mario logic
A little guy from the past :)
I love playing with my son
It really exists
You're getting old..
Haters gonna hate
When gf asks for sex
That Cookie monster is happy
To freedom! To glory!
One of the best bugs ever
Snow in the Sahara
Dat Carpet
It must leave.
Some actually true ads
Dat ass!!!
Beautifull tornado
Girl scouts go agressive
It's really hard to understand
Suddenly a ball
"Well, don't say you want a Lego tower tournament if you can't handle loosing..."
Ultimate Friendzone
Don't want to buy a gun? Just get this!
Inb4 I didn't make this
In soviet russia...
How I feel about porn as soon as I'm done masturbating...(SFW)
Perfect aim.
First world problem.
Because turning your back to it would be too easy
Haha laughed so hard
Back and forth.
How to deal with little brothers.
Medieval lightsabers.