My boss after I've spent a week pouring all my time and energy into something they no longer want

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Who want to ***
Whoopsi Goldberg
I found this in my school archive from 1940
Oogie Boogie hasn't been getting the best gigs lately.
I think my husband’s going to realize I borrowed one of his extension cords
My sister wore the wrong shirt to picture day
the british empire
Forreal! No one gives shi* LOL :D
My mom sent me this today... I’ve been in glasses since I can remember
Think again.
Rage Kitty
Too old
NASA be on that good shit :D LOL
Needs some shredded clothes
FACTS!!! McDank!! :D LOL
Wife is out of town. There are no rules. Let the madness begin.
Haven't seen one in some time
why ppl so gay for jesus
I would cry D: LOL
Right over the heads of most kids
Throwback :D LOL
It is 2AM forsure :D LOL
Meetings are the worst
I can only imagine :D LOL
Stolen from Facebook.
It's a slippery slope
It must be done.
Special way
I can relate 100%
Those damn canadiens
hey guy
Jesus left the chat
Raffaello's masterpiece: "Archangel Michael vanquishing satan"
Jimmy good catch,Timmy i like your fish,Kyle what are you doing with your fish in your mouth!?
Source: have child
Yeah big brain time.
Robert Downey Sr. spotted in Paris
I want somebody to look at Me like his cat looks at him
Walking isn't difficult
Good price actually
Oh the HUMANity.
For all those wonderful new people playing WOW for the first time.
Probably that
My kid broke his headset. I woke up to this ingenuity this morning.
Oh dear
Dearly departed...
knees weak
What has the universe come to
Cool Tea How-To
Coworker left this is in our bathroom at work
Tis sad
A possum broke into an Australian bakery and ate so many pastries it couldn't move. This is how they found him.
Never forget the time Batman fought a shark on a rope ladder
Pasta time
This is the truth.
News in the south
Unicorn Storm
Save the animals
I know I didn’t
First Day of Class
Not a huge fan of the new candy machine at work. 0/10, tastes terrible
Hey Brother!
Happens at least once a day
Why Batman prefers to fight crime at night..
3 Take it or leave it
meeting Mr. Miley Cyrus
Madea thanks for the great sandwich :D LOL
Orange site bad!
Videogame violence
bigger problems
They're both over the foul line!
Think before you ink
At least we have our priorities right.
Gay lol
Sir David
Is it too late to say sorry?
No Jay-Qualin here today?
Seems fair :)
We only need to know about the bathwater
Live, laugh, love...
Dad joke: 100
Seems fair
Nezuko Pro Skater [OC]
Anon converts
The only man who deserves his respect
Invest in a new template!
Different timezones, maybe!
They will find you
All the green goo you could want.
Goddamit Drake
Look at that......
Or maybe it's boredom