Shout out to all the friends who go to the bathroom to summon the food immediately. You da real MVP.

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Hidden message in the hospital
A very good person
This cosplay
Walk down a quiet street behind a girl
Most news outlets these days
Just get a refill
Better fill it too.
My ass has been a gun-free zone since last tuesday
Belly too big
Boys we finally did it
NASA announced Pluto is now considered a planet.
Marketing game on tap
I dont know why but I need this..
My friend and his art skills.
Never thought I'd be shamed by a fridge
But you're support
Bros before ho... girls
I don't think this has ever not happened in the history of mankind
Nearly got a heart attack the first time
How’s that back feeling?
Florida handles weather a bit different
That. Hit. Hard.
Improvise adapt overcome.
WinZip works on humans too
A must watch trilogy.
Walmart and chill
This guy on Twitter
Long distance relationship.
Dog saves Hoomans from trouble after dying!
I call this one the bomb
disgusting picture
I ain’t scared of no ghost
A painter painted a painter watching a paint of a painter painting the paint he's painting
He has no idea
Say yes
Found at the local newsagent
The most powerful card
The Great Race
Death Star
I think this belongs here.
It can fly too, you know
I just needed to sew a button back onto my shirt...
...Back to you, Jim!
Spotted in Florida. Chuck Norris heading on vacation.
This will stay my favorite GIF ever
I’ll go with a large
I'm gonna pretend that I didn't read that
My mate took a picture of his dying sunflower and caught a Tim Burton still...
If only the picture would wither with time
My wife is a 3rd grade teacher, this was an in class assignment today.
Real life episode of SpongeBob
New Ride
The ripped chargers one hit home
Accurate representation for the possible hurricane Dorian routes.
Saw this awhile back, here's hoping you enjoy it as much as I did
Friend's GF really loves his new shirt
Big brain time
Two pets for the price of one
I <3 your eyes
Crack that whip!
I’ll just leave this here.
Delete this right now...
all this junk food gave us one upside
A reality
An introverts dream
Oh hun, you're so silly
Gotta make sure they know what they’re doin’
I would too!
And yet...
C for holy Crap...
Cooking rice gone wrong
Not a bad idea.
Just keep quiet...
Wink wink
Eat your heart out, FOX.
Fellow long people will know the burden
If you let your kid do this, you're a douchebag
With Jazz
Sums Of Gym Class
New Eraser
This woman was ahead of her time in 2019 this means something completely different
I think this should be a thing
Go ahead, shut off my power
It’s 80 degrees and I got my hoodie on.
Showing off on the road
Someone gives this kid a ***ing medal
It needs to happen
Montezuma's Revenge
Faster than a speeding bullet
the plane had a big flashlight