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The most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.

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forgot where i found this
Redneck bleachers
engineering life
I don’t care what anyone says, this is the only joker in my heart ❤️
*** CHINA!!!
Judgemental dish washer
free to pay
So Dumbo
IT got way too serious lately
It was getting pretty cold out, thank god CVS gave me this free scarf with my purchase
you dont say?
Not the maple syrup!
Maybe Las Vegas?
What's your Race?
It's a pooh world
Chronological order
Spotted this legend in the window of a med center in Warsaw, Poland
Woke up to a tree fallen on our cars so my wife decided to make the most of it before the tow truck came
you are offline.
Saw this happy little guy at the movie theater.
I like this pool
yeet on a keet
Remember McLovin? This is him now. Feel old yet??
My attempt at making spiders less terrifying
When you download a pirated version of Minecraft
A lamp for some loops, brother?
Fancy meeting you here
haha yes
Keep it brief!
Always watching
also karen is kinda hot
You ***s.
Thats illegal
He is the clown and they are his circus
The future was yesterday
Monty Python predicted modern vegans
The Talk.
"Mein calf" she screamed
Darling in the chocomilk
May the force be with you
I wonder what the song was
How to draw
*Smelling Chinese feet intensifies*
Save the trees!
*cough* roasted *cough*
The most annoying thing in the universe
Do we really need a 40-hour work week?
Girl with Personality
Mike Tyson's car
in real world
The state of our zeitgeist, as foreshadowed by Mr. Krabs.
I vouch on this.
Paper for the tiolet
Australia enters the space race
I'll put my weebhate aside for a good cause
Now you can see it
brEAthing is not free
When basic white girls go on a gap year to Iceland to "find themselves"
i feel sorry for her
hol up
I deeply regret my careless behavior
"Thug Life" Sign Board!!
Gaming relationship goals
To me? Tu you?
Grandparents are awesome
Free what now?
I typed in old people strawberry candy. I feel like we all know this candy.
Oh yeah
haha yes
Bro this is actual facts
Those jabby wee needle boys..
Turn of events
Blizzcon will be interesting this year
btw, what exactly is going on in China? Can any of you guys please enlighten me?
Last good meme before shitposting
I ain't pushing him
I took a creative coding course as an elective. They had lots of Arts students, so they started with the basics.
God bless Tito
PSA: Parents please check your kids candy! Look what I found in my kids candy!
In the think of your thoughts....
What are your favorite pictures that you’ve saved on your phone? This seems pretty accurate!!!
Clearly knows what she is doing
Seen in London Today
Tip for you
I have a feeling dogs are better than cats under certain circumstances
When will they learn