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A little help
Lol that’s me
Leaving a note
Be strong, gents! Stronger than I could ever dream of being!
Pop the teacher
can't handle it
“You dump it, we pump it!”
Final Thot
Since you guys really liked the Swedish king in his moose hat, I thought my might appreciate this one too.
right after fire
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Clearly not mine but I laughed
ok then
boomers amirite
... It speaks for it self
The rare wholesome greentext, blessed indeed
ノ ---->
CHONK. *and we thought 7 8 9*
This is a much better name for it.
He was only 11
tony hak
Can i pet your Pikachu?
My cat trying desperately to get my sandwich.
Even douche bags
Jingle Balls
ben trovato Ezio
This is the king of Sweden. There are countless of pictures with him wearing silly hats.
Hanging out with your drunk Uncle..
I'm the first one
Science time
if an anime show appears on tv in an anime world, does it look realistic or cartoony?
Drove behind this garbage truck today and noticed someone using it as an uber.
kayne's fursona
Stay politically correct, kids
But I said I’m allergic to nuts
King Smudge & the Knights of the Dinner Table
Avert thy eyes
Hey Jude, don’t make it bad
Remember to NUT all over your school
Sophie Turner is such a troll
This Poor Dog
Inspiration for today
Test passed!
Why not get all three?
Any mathematicians overhere
This made everyone cry
When dolphins take tests...
Haha funny
DBZ Style
Thats why i got 11 karma
Schrodinger’s T-Shirt
Spell it with me
How to tell if a post is ready for reposting.
Looks Super Comfortable
10/10 would adopt
If you are brave enough
I don’t know who needs to see this, but
I can't imagine the things this hotel air conditioner has seen.
you will succeed your father
Found at a local thrift shop
Free pie
We invited the Cricket Wireless representative to our dinner party and he actually came
3.14 take it or leave it
I wear a size...
“Oh hey, just gotta borrow this”
Bearded dragon trying to get on his hammock
The history of Eastern Europe, 1940-1991.
Happy dog noises.
What is your decision?
The forgotten generation
Local Valvoline really gets it.
oh my
Remember. Every time that Christmas is mentioned in November, Santa is forced to execute another elf.
Roses are red violets are great
As a teacher, I find this hilarious.
There's probably an old cartoon of Goofy saying the N-word
Gamers have been opressed by boomers since at least 1974
Ever have that girl that doesn’t respect your personal space?
I have no memory of this email...
Ancient greeks
“Don’t make this difficult”
Badass Barbara
You know, because she's...
PSA signboard in India. It says, ‘Avoid distractions and focus on your work.’
Switch it up!
Product placement level: Expert