So, here in Britain gift shops are embracing the wave of popularity for tech gifts.

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Player characters in the lategame
They have a class on it
I'm a woman in construction, this is how I choose to eat bananas
Happy Holidays!
Relationship in a nutshell
I was born in Spain
Back to the drawing board kitten.
Supporting my Niga
Now we fight back by not paying their rent
This Deli guy at my local Publix
Supervisor: What are you doing? *sighs and walks off*
*indie music stops*
My cat loves to shred toilet paper. Today, she found my entire stash.
And just like a man, it dies when crushed between two logs
Want to share?
I triple dog dare you!
Keep it up, Paul..
OK Jetson
Nearly there!
Saturdays are getting out of hand
Come on let's go
Due to a little bug in Red Dead Redemption 2, I sat on this strangers lap and received a lovely hug. Accidental *Brokeback Mountain* confirmed
this happened to me in real life and i almost lost my job
Saw this random stick figure art at work today
Too thicc
gg wp, gl further
Begone T H O T
Let's all take a moment to admire the discrete placement of this package by my local Amazon delivery person.
the world of pokemon is more than just creature enslavement...
Artist's rendition, camera "wasn't working"
The lorax is not happy
Peek comedy
This is a public service announcement
I have discovered the secret
Damn that one is far too fitting
I photoshopped an Orca whale getting hit by a plane
Checkmate Elongated Man
My wife and I have been looking for a dog. Something seems off...
Pay him at least
My bar really upped its graffiti game
Helping The Homeless
We almost lost Red
One foggy Christmas Eve
As I watch this on Disney+...
I shall be awake all night now
No no no wait!
Defend yourself!
Jesus is coming
That moment you realize your son might be “people of Walmart”
So our dog kept eating our amazon packages....
Redneck Cybertruck
Merry christmas to all
What a thoughtful gift.
Walk away, just walk away
Severely accurate
She's a beaut, Clark.
gonna take another bite
For all startups out there - funny and true combinaçao
Don’t make me choose
Ahh ha more steps ahead.
I guess I’m a realist.
Mandalorian bitterly regretting feeding baby Yoda after midnight
Should I Tell Her?
Spotted this at the job site
That’s right
He’s a combat correspondent
Why are birds so brutal?
Introverts are cool
This bra
peace was never an option
Ancient relics finally translated by scientists
That's My Cat. That's Not My Car.
I have no Christmas tree. Danny Detreeto.
oh snap
The students took up Python programming very quickly.
I love democracy
My wife- “Oh let me try that”
Fake Spirit Airlines Signs put up at the airport
Note to self...check the dimensions of EVERYTHING before ordering on Amazon...
Ordered ‘mystery decks’ for my 6 year old son & 11 year old daughter from a skateboard company and these are what we got in the mail today.
I almost died to take this picture!
Cat Laser Pointer
This is what we call Creativity !!
Tom in matrix
What we do here is go back back back back
That's one way to break the system
The M̶a̶n̶d̶a̶l̶o̶r̶i̶a̶n̶ AMERICAN
I thought you were never coming home…
Horrible things indeed..
Speaking the language of the gods
Ya'll forgetting who the original Baby Yoda was
I’m pretty sure my cats are planning to kill me....