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I have left Hugelol since the website/community has turned to shit.
I also don't like the new layout.
So goodbye everyone, and especially AvatarAang and Heiligheid.

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What a nice fox :)
Get you own ice-cream
Better love story than Twilight
Cyanide & Happiness, I guess.
Every time I use my smart phone to win an argument
She exists!
You can die in piece now
Nvm I'll eat it
Mind if I... boat in?
Just wasn't his day...
A fine piece of elvish craft
When you see a girl with a nice butt wearing yoga pants
Be careful of what you wish for
Impressive porn marathon
Ive never seen a more accurate representation of my foot asleep.
My bad....
What happened to mommy bear in shrek
When someone insults me and I don't care enough to respond
And did two research papers, painted a replica of the Mona Lisa...
How I imagine everyone who applied for moderator the next couple of days
Merry-go-round of cuteness!
Fernando Torres
Understanding the sex references from childhood movies/series/games.
When I go to 4chan
Deal with it
It's like he's saying "sh*t" after he runs into it!
Best wallpaper ever
Who wants to play hide and seek?
I am speaking out of experience here...
I'm just gonna go- oh almost forgot
Truth has been spoken
The ride of your life
Bubble wrap
Cool turtles
Lithium on fire
Chernobyl gummy bear
Studying for two exams at the same time
Panda hats
It's hard to be a guy.
True sh*t
True Story
Words confuse Nicki
Fish respawn point
Heating Mercury Thiocyanate
Whenever I try to do science
The end is coming
My whole childhood was a big lie
Sleeves are useful
Hydrophobic sand placed underwater
Awesome salt art!
Eye swaps: NOPE editon
Who would complain? Honestly
Very contagious indeed.
Who's that girl?
Favorite Machine at the Gym
And not a single f*ck was given that day
I've watched enough Hentai to see where this is going...
Now that's what I call a .gif...
Well Played...
Who's Batman?
Damnit John
He does look like him
Accidental Win
My brain is full of ... art?
Oh Vodka^^
My favourite sport is stretching in between yawns
Father of the Year
My first thought
Hakuna my tatas
Batman Plays Fair
When boys have a snowball fight with you....
I bet you will rage
God help any animal with a 12 year old girl as an owner.
I can relate to this
Hey broooooo!!!
One of the best movie scenes
Thank you!
Dio, the best singer of metal
Where's he going?
De wherever you are-o
Think about it...
You know the rules!
Voldemort Fact
This would be terrible
How come you're staring at me?
Just Lil Wayne...
Well, sorry kitty
No matter what it is, the fatass will eat it anyway
Bro Fist
And goodbye
Become a Moderator!
Well that escalated quickly
That's how you do it
Never forget