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The Insane

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Yeah woman, what happened?
Had to do it to 'em
When people ask if my dog sheds I show them this picture
Even they didn't read those things.
Ah therapists
Interest free
Most shall agree
Proof cats think they are God
The drinking game
Politeness stand-off at Real Canadian Superstore
Caught in a broment
Historic achievement!
Another tradition lost that should be in practice.
Baby Yoda gang
Heroic Misunderstanding
Surprise surprise....
I wish more of my friends were like this
Ah yes, the four elements
I did my best..
Budget cosplay best cosplay
Original Kirby Team asked to draw Kirby
Pretty sure I’m always going to feel like this no matter how old I get.
I read read as read
California Explained
What kind of birthday card is this?
Brian plotting his revenge
Be responsible with magical items
This legend picking someone up at the airport, and his unimpressed-looking wife
Best animated film of 2019.
You jut got liberald
Stay calm class
* sad cow noises *
This portrait of our cat was worth every penny
I would not miss it
Not a meme
They also use Windows XP
technical stuff
Buzzing hard I am
Tetris time was last century
My legacy
The local gas station has both markets cornered
I’m sending a cyber nuke
Starry Night- Vincent van Gogh
Guess it wasn't that final...
What just happened here!?
Quatro Formaggi
Oh babyyy
The homeless mindset is the best mindset
A picture my sister sent me of a dog that graduated from the training classes at her work. This is his excited face :)
good point
My nephew, mid pin, decided to smile for the camera.
Holiday Justice
Treason's Greetings
It's wild
Yup... yup... ummm hmmm
Tom's cute.
money was spent on this
one more reason to hate them
How to get a job:
I am sure that the creator has never washed a glass in his life.
Glow stick
g r a v e y a r d s h i f t
How are we ever going to evolve?
Happy Holiday guys
Some guy ran around home depot putting this sticker on random tools
Behold, Lake Croc.
So where's the emergency break?
What really happened at Christmas
Get busy drawing, or get busy dying.
ha ha
Episode III’s final battle in a nutshell
Should somebody tell him?
Went to my parents house the other day. My dad labeled his phone.
Invisible Christmas tree
Hugh Jackman wears the infamous Christmas sweater one year later.
Tread carefully
ok dooger
..and I thought doctors were supposed to be clever?
That’s why there so good
Someone got fired from Subway for this
the more you notice
Vader does as he pleases
It looks like it but...
reinforcement at its finest
The classic bamboozle
Just like coke cans.
Guy's got heart
Pinky and the Brain
Sending the princess to another castle...
leaked prophecy of the impeachment process
Through New Years Eve, please.
No DNA test required
Irish lads dress up as selection box to do epic pub crawl
THANKS a lot, Buffalo!