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Do not order your toilet paper from the wish app
New treasure
Work at home because of covid 19 and think more about oxford comma grammar. You want or don't want to use it?
How to fall down stairs.
The best cat image of all time
A break from corona shite
where did they get that pointy rock
2020 everyone
Looks Like I Wasn't The Only One Happy With The New Fan
I ordered rum to be delivered, and this came with it.
All of Europe right now
Another reason to wash your hands during this pandemic
I still think it's dangerous
A 2020 answer to a neighbor’s plea for a roll of toilet paper during quarantine.
“If I get Corona, I get Corona”.
$49 flight on SouthWest. Pretty good price for 2 rolls.
Plant-based meats must have a superior supply chain.
Yeah. It was big brain time
My father in law just sent us a pic of what he wore to the grocery no one would get close to him.
Gonna need a haircut soon
This is now taped to my office door
Nothing can be more truthful
My grandparents have been married for 67 years....handling this quarantine well.
Happy third birthday bud!
Never ordered groceries to be delivered. I just wanted three bananas.
My starfish was not happy to see me today.
Asparagus is punking us
14th day of quarantine. I am sorry fluffy.
Couldn’t have seen that coming
Once upon a time, there was a pandemic... And just like that every person self diagnosed with gluten intolerance was cured.
2020 so far...
Got bored went for a hike the Internet has ruined me
I don’t remember if I passed or not
Dude cashed out early before it got real crazy.
Could be worse?
Subtitles chart
Listen to Ol' Clean ***
Sow how was your first week of quarantine?
Quarantine is fun
I regret nothing and everything
Games to play in quarantine.
Some industries are getting hit pretty hard by this...
political compass
Day 5 of quarantine...
Brother got this as tip doing DoorDash
The social distancing we need
I always knew there was something wrong with that rat
My mother’s partner says he bought me three bottles of whisky for my birthday...
This guy slaps your girl's ass, what do?
Quarantine in 2020
Gen X ain't got time for that nonsense. Don't bogart that joint Dude
Quarantine efforts day 5
Donny saving America again
Hello there
Some people just can't stay inside
The only safe continent now
Joker : “Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos...” Also Joker :
This picture of DJ Khaled looks like it's from a GTA loading screen
Quarantine day 7. Finally taking down our Christmas tree!
Day 6 of Quarantine!
When People Sneeze In Public These Days
I know they are referring to napkins but the thought of a full size table cloth in replacement of TP is hilarious
"Day 5 of quarantine. Found a dead fly"
pls no
Day 3. I've learned to fold a fitted sheet
My 68 y/o dad has quarantine “safe box”. He won’t give my mom the combination.
Pint and a half please
I wish that nibba would
I serve the Soviet Union.
Panic shoppers dream
oh man
Say my name !
Best Korea doing it right
People who can't obey orders to stay the *** home!
Yarn thief. Fletch likes to steal my yarn. So I made him wear it. He doesn't care. I love him ❤️ My yarn thief will be 15 on May 5th.
hahahaha *cries*
Before and Afters
Ching Chong Virus
what even is this world anymore
Crime Reports During Quarantine
I hope he doesn’t learn Chidori
I think I get it
Poultra is coming
Not what I expected at all.
if you can't count the pixels, are they truely missing?
Even less money for simpin'
Good day Goodmen