Social distancing makes the opening of the Nightingale hospital look like an album cover.

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I just had my big outing for the week.
The most invigorating hand sanitiser I've ever used
Do you know how fast i am?
I wanted t(o c)ommemorate this event
And they called him a madlad
But those gas prices, Doc
Don't mess with German ships
No touching. Maintain social distance.
just be yourself bro
Cheese is a product of microbiological activity
clickbait cat
It... Never... Ends...
China trying to hide its corona cases from the rest of the world
Such a Predictable Path for So Many Child Stars. When Are We Going to Learn?
keep your head up king
Quarantune Day 8
Even protects the eyes.
Yes, Amusing
Simpson’s did it
king of kings
In the jungle, the mighty jungle The simp lord sleeps tonight
Mom no
I like blue power ranger
The tomato warriors, choose wisely
How to cosplay a peach tree
It be that way
At least it's not make a wish
My GF wallpaper and mine !
Give it to me baby
Al Bundy reading same newspaper
My town's distance guidelines
6ft apart
oh no
You’re a grown ass man. Simmer down.
What will April bring?
This is bad
oh poor thing
Check that septic tank.
I spice with my little eyes.
I trust this man too. He came long way since Windows 95.
My friend sent me this, figures my fellow construction industry workers would appreciate it.
Amps. They’re everyone’s ***.
Repost: Some local boys used ANIMAL SAFE paint to make a cow into a tiger for an epic Tiger King photo shoot!
China calculating corona cases
Sign language problems 101
Barnes and Noble knows how to Quarantine
Mullets 2020
Classic tag
Someone said that Tiger King is the white trash ‘Game of Thrones’ and now I can’t unsee this
In the name of equality
Its corona time
I’ll have what they’re having
Detroit liquor store tells it like it is
This is my rifle quadpod... there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Every single day for the past 3 weeks
Reporting for duty
GomerBlog throwing some shade at the antivaxxers!
Welcome to quarantine
Quarantine day 14
Mark it an 8 Dude.
Local vet keeping it fresh
I waited ten years for this!
You know it to be true.
Lions and tigers and pandemics, oh my.
Some local boys painted a cow and did a tiger king photo shoot
Corona showing it like it is
Ok guys, who did this?
Making wall
Suddenly I don’t feel as useless
420 is 420
The Ultimate Nintendo experience
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t
on the grind
Our bananas committed suicide overnight
Canadian coronavirus poster
Lockdown day 17. In case anyone is wondering how us parents are doing, this is my 3 years old cleaning his potty with my toothbrush
The sign at the pizza place I go to
Neverending fun!
The poor ICU nurses spend all day in side rooms wearing full PPE looking after Covid patients. Humour is keeping us all going!
Satellite dishes are strictly forbidden
True story
Quarantine day 20
Double D Gets Hit with Rolf's Magic Hat of Discipline
My brother made our mom "brownies" for April Fools Day
Social Distancing by a cat