The Ecstasy of St. Teresa By Gian Lorenzo Bernini/ Lindsay Lohan passed out after a night of partying

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Every day is a new experience where I work
Tf2 has the best music.
I can't go to the toy store, so I've been coming up with creative solutions to keep my toddler entertained.
Maybe it's the reality haha :D
Night of Nights
South Park called it
Fikken weeb
Courage is not the absence of fear.
Something small, can make someone's day.
Strange whale spotted on my island
My neighbors front lawn dad joke #26
Only you!
Coffee FTW
I seriously think this is a Re... But just in case it isn't
Look in the comments!
My wife said our daughter looked cute. I replied that she looks like Nathan from South Park.
This is just margarinally funny.
I don't know who to listen to
Social distancing tip!
There is a massive upside to all this self isolation. With less travel, less human pollution and less human activity, the earth is healing and recovering. This was Detroit this morning.
Corona has me laughing through tears.
It will speak for itself
I like to design fake products, meet me newest creation. The Selfie Sandals.
The new breed of Pokemon
Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
Cooking level 5
a nice picture my dad took .
Due to less pollution in lockdown, the Loch Ness monster comes up for some fresh air.
When the News Predicts Barbershops Won't Re-Open Until August ...
froge chair
Nowadays graffiti.
Studying from home
Same as mine
The Founding Fathers
Strict dad
Like Grandma like Grandson I suppose
Count me in too
Oi donate to me fokin paypal, ye? Cont!
Hail emo
This has potential
I saw this in a Tiger King group on Facebook…he wasn’t specific enough
Doom guy gets invaded [OC]
hello hominid
Thats got to hurt
The robber has become the roobber
He will bring balance to the inner cities
Here for this blessed time
Your move I0ri
I got rid of the photobombers
My cat and things I accidentally think are my cat
Behold, the king of cereal flakes
White Shirts
Solid Joe
This is really true...
Her husband did taste great
Due to a drop in air pollution, views usually blocked by smog are clear again.
I can see this playing out just like this on golden girls.
With reduced smog due to Corona lockdowns, you can now see absolutely nothing from any given point in Kansas
boo hoo
There is still hope
Coughy Filter
Out of this world COVID19 protection.
Word of god.
copy that
catborg engaged
Gotta make the best of a situation!
Ahhhhhh haaaaaaa
Social Distancing:God Status
Liquor store in Arkansas has jokes.
don be gon
Silly music humor
Someone call 1066 we need the brittish ARCHers back
wrong hole
My 11yo and I play games in the front yard nowadays. Every day he does something different to spice it up. This was today's choice.
My foster dog had to get spayed and can't go to her furever home until next week. Her new dad sent me this.
handsome doggo thinks the photoshoot is for him
It will really take forever
What day is it
He knew the future!
The what?
Correct face mask advice
CPR Instructions
Just your typical Walmart shopper
The bright side
New testing option