Happy Easter. This is to remind you of what your day would have been like before Corona-19

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According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a
Eating bats since the 70s.
is this a crossover episode?
Mr Jesus
Amanda Lynn
"....going to my favorite kindergarden"
Watched Peter Pan recently and saw someone that looked a little too familiar
These hoes ain't loyal
DIY coronavirus mask in 5 seconds
Cold blooded murder
In today's newspaper
“Turns out that gun is for the toilet paper.” Elon Musk
Please stop. Get some help.
The Lego Fairy
no-one will escape
I wish 2020 could fast forward.
I really miss George Carlin
I can't see these ads anymore
Don’t listen those lies bröther
No, it's not unethical at all
It’s really doing a number on everyone
it's meaningful, but WHAT does it mean???
If 2020 were a person
I bet professor didn't see that coming
Just a minute of your time
unfathomable discovery has been made in SCIENCE today
A friend spotted this one on the highway today.
Getting ready to go out for a supply run!!
filthy androgynous idol tricks
I feel ya UPS guy. I feel ya.
Quarantine day one vs quarantine day thirty
State of the Union
My daughter made an Easter egg in quarantine
Today was my 16th birthday, and since we couldn’t buy candles, I had to improvise
Poor seniors
a round of applause for mr. doctor
The similarities are uncanny.
How am I driving?
press F to pay respects to Zvjezdan
The new “norm”
Also works for 40s
Eggs will solve all of our problems
Oh the irony,the sweet sweet irony
Even my soup is talking about tiger king
My dad sent me this today. This is his horse Dan. Nothing wrong with him he just wanted to lay down.
Effects of Inbreeding
Sucks doesn't it
Day ??? Of Quarantine
Best Halloween costume ever lol
Covid-19 is ruining it for all
Happy Easter everyone. But not too happy.
It's important not to lose sight of the big picture.
That is NOT the face of satisfaction!
I did the aging app on my mum, and she turned into Grandmother Willow from Pocahontas
I don't care who your dad is, this is an illegal gathering
Yanderedev! Yanderedev!
Who gotta read those numbers?
Double penetration never looked so hot, dawg
Single man looking for hand sanitizer
The Easter bunny
cats taking care of their children
That's one Scary looking Log
6 hours I've been stood here. Please, someone else take over!
oh Karen
It do be like that these days
When wife is more dangerous than corona
I was going for at least a 5/7
Move along Folks... Nothing to See Here!!!!
Looks like we're in trouble
Tough choice...
Truth about mental illness!
Safety Net not included
Sad day for Cookie Monster
Men after this lockdown ends
Remember: stay at home
A boy can dream
On the edge of doom
Perfect tan lines
Cat holic meeting
Complete the TIMELINE.
At my friend's local
To you from me, some OC.
go on, im waiting
He’s back
I have no reason to find it as funny as i do
I might already be infected
The perfect combo
This is the proof we need a new plague every once in a while to progress as a society
Well let’s keep on delaying it then
My daughter thinks the closet looks less creepy at night like this. That makes one of us.