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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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Cuteness overload
Me versus jelly.
Homophobic vending machines
Not pregnant
Purr-fect self-defense
Just Canada
Everytime an American makes fun of me being Canadian....
Penguin Pillow Fight Illuminates The Horrid Reality of Existence
Anal - You're doing it wrong
Father of the year
Make your choice
Oh this autocorrect...
Gullible Buzz
Hopefully you guys have a big nasal exhale after seeing this one :P
I wish this could happen
When will they learn?
He's a pro
Earth vs. Water, or vice versa, STOP JUDGING ME
Just imagine
I hope I'm not the only one who does this
When somebody insults me really good and I can't think of a comeback
Oh thou cat-lord in heaven...
Friendzone level over 9000
German shepard jump
How I feel when someone tries to wake me up before my alarm goes off.
The speed of this car is too damn high!
I'm getting hungry..
America v. The Silence
Cat.exe has encountered an error
Classic 11 year olds breaking something: Pretend it never happened
Innovation from 1993
Save me, tree!
Bill Gates' more than amazing jump!
Sudden realisation cat
I need my beauty sleep
Classic: Free!
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Well... none of it, actually.
That explain a lot
It's time!
Party Hard
Boiling water vs. freezing temperature
Got my phone taken away by a teacher, got it back like this.
Death gets cheated
The downside of playing a bad guy.
Gotta love Russia
Turk will not be happy about this
Futurama science
I love the reaction of the guy who made the pass
Penguin problems
ALL of it!
Two years and no one said anything?
Scrolling the Fresh page.
Meanwhile at gay bar
Checkmate atheists
Epic chase
Previously on Lost.
Currently on a diet. This is my porn
It hurts..
Every. Single. Night.
Face of discovery
That explains ...
Do you remember our first fight?
When I see a 11-year-old with an Iphone and make up
The devil lurks.
Worst case scenario!
When I overhear people talking about me.
Boing, boing, boing.
Everyone of us has been there
Velocity center of mass
I bet he did
Do you have a moment to talk about jesus christ?
Chicka Chicka, Slim Shady
When class is finally over...
Friday is tomorrow, be like this guy!
Black magic
Dude i only want the car
Returning home friday
This would make anybody's day
Whenever I fall by leaning too far back in my chair
Cool time laps
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BATMAN
Playing any FPS on easy.
Drag and laugh at each frame
Good ol' Disney movies.
Universitarians will know
My favorite gif
If only the wilderness had access to the Internet