A cop beats a unarmed black man while another watches

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/460654
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How to ease police tensions
Die Butter.
Seriously, though- why did it take a global pandemic to install anti-peek dividers in restrooms?
Cat Bite.
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Priest accidentally live-streams mass with sunglasses and hat filter
Seriously though
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Stop judging me, Netflix.
I don't understand. This is a normal procedure for men already.
My son said " look dad, it's Mc-D, on aids!"
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Disney’s Passive Progressivism
I drew this today
that'll fill me with confidence for 6 months
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I’ve shown you my under fluffies please respond
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Have u tried...
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Tony Hawk's Amateur Skater 2
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I figured out you don’t actually have to assemble these things.
stop acting like a clown
Sometimes Fresh is hell. Sometimes, it's worse
He said it
Who did I marry?
Coincidence or planned?
Guaranteed he has snacks
You guys have opacity?
This is a review for my local police station
And that my friends concludes the end of 2020
Get it done ASAP...
And a diet Coke please..
a weapon to surpass metal gear
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Operate on me senpai
Whack a...
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Humor :) the best form of medicine, no matter what the illness
It never will be
Every arab mother
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I’m so glad I found this.
And so he did.
In my hometown today: Racism is temporary, WuTang is forever
The true origin of the word
Special forces vs. Steel chain
Might as well happen
Blake Vapes
out here asking the REAL question
2020 is a no go
This sign a local church put up.
As if 2020 couldn’t get any worse for some...
So that's what happened to them
Now THAT’S some damage!
Who’s with me.
Imagine they delete Facebook and Instagram..
Feman and the Masters of the Femverse.
Seriously, it’s not that complicated
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Yesterday's Pizza
L'Otter has a perticular set of skills.
What's this month gonna bring?
might be old or a re
It can’t be unseen
Marketing Level = Infinity
After 12 weeks in lockdown
Can’t have a second wave if the first doesn’t stop. #1 USA!!
No plant left behind!!!
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This is not going to end well for someone in HR
Best timeline
Thinking of buying a bra just for the sake of it
Organic food is bullshit
I miss 2019.
Can we please decide on a theme