Japanese people are the best at falling asleep.. this happens when we drive ANYWHERE more than 10 minutes.

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Driving through a city nearby and came across this little corona, the guy driving has a pretty great sense of humour...
Important things
You can't always be a murder hobo
Please, Be nice...
Join us, Sasha. Be one of us. You know you want to.
So awkward when this happens!
I see a man of culture
I like my nicotine like i like my horoscope.
Italians are screaming
Please just don’t
You'll have to look twice
On The Ledge
The similarities are uncanny
Look same
Its a sign
That would be more convincing
Manual proper working position and Me
When you use reverse uno card
Come on really ???
one day breh <3
Just looking at my schools seniors quotes.
I think my local smokeshop is done dealing with the local trash.
Cross contamination... cross contamination everywhere
Practice safe breathing
I updated my medical ID.
He knew he couldn't take it with him!
When someone asks you how hot it is outside
nowhere is safe
Dave Chappelle and David Letterman randomly sitting in Yellow Springs, OH.
Today I got a kick out of my fortune cookie.
2022 is looking hopeful
Statue honoring those who refused to wear a mask
My dog’s body was cut during a panoramic shot and now I’m wondering if he’s actually an ostrich
It's not wrong!
I never thought of it like this
my mom sent me a funny sloth mug picture she found on instagram. I literally designed it
*** you jason
Shocking Tales of Redundancy
Just moved into my first place away from the parents... Roommate does not pass the vibe check
Jeff Bezos is Lex Luthor
Covid19 measurements make pythagoras turn around in his grave
Legendary if true
The new bathroom signs at work.
IQ 1000
Haha, silly pecker-head!
After Quarantine. We really be messed up after Covid.
My son mixed up the brakes today
How many of you can relate
I know at least one cool furry or maybe he's a brony I don't know
I want Borgar
That's my ideal watch
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
This put a smile on my face.
My drawing skills. Thoughts?!
Virus Update
reliable Twitter
Used this to propose to my wife
During Covid I did a low budget PhD graduation
Some nice redneck engineering. They should patent this
We all really had to poo really badly I guess
When American wants to indruduce Czech/German to his beer
from software gore
Just got called out while flipping through my 1995 high school yearbook
madman crossed the alps with brehlephants
wear your mask queen!
The witch trying to run away from Simps
I need a living weighted blanket
he never experienced such technology
It's alright my testicles did the same thing
Hello, may I come in and talk to you about Jesus Christ?
Your teenager don't worry about it I wasn't having sex until.... Hopefully next year
Goddamnit Ryan!
Damn it, Robin! Wear a mask!
Loki making a sandwich
Funny international Communism intensifies
the bill must be doing weed
Facebook Friendship
Come on, save the world like in the movies
same breh
Sin bad jesus good
Who hasn't been meatballed nowadays
just a meme
Hot meme, Idk I'm a normie
This gecko planing how to take over the world.
Dad creates his kids drawings in photoshop
I have actually done this before
Not my comic, I just did the translation
Truly the highest being in the universe
Power to the people, The Peaky Blinders
My brother and I have pet frogs and they don't mind if you put stuff on them so we 3d printed little hats
I can't relate. My handwriting looks like it's from a doctor
Moving from California to Texas during a pandemic and a heatwave with my wife, toddler, and three cats. I needed this win.
spongebob go brrrr