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you may be cool but you've never been amianas drew my profile pic cool breh
or maybe you are i dont know ->

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1957 VW remodeled
Homeless cat in Egypt
Have you seen a horse sitting on his butt? now you did
This one picture has so much raw emotion
aw, shucks Dav
Mongolian climate policy best policy
It took 16 experienced IT professionals 45 minutes to realize I was switching between 4 static images during our Microsoft Teams meeting.
It's you
where's my ***in son
it's called "being prepared"
Cat photobomb in Istanbul
First look at newest horror film written by Stephen King about Maine forest demons, or my toddler refusing to nap on a camping trip. You decide.
If 2020 were a book.
That's just life
This looks so stupid
2020 slaps way harder than 2019
Need to go to bed now. Good night!
First picture of Russia's COVID-19 vaccine.
Never retreat (Ghost Division)
Let me see them hands boy
My brother texted me and asked if there was something “going on with olives” and I couldn’t figure out what he meant till he sent this pic
it do be so indeed
Nice try, Pennywise
they brehduced the salary to single people salary though
Idk about u .... but it happens with me
Interesting proposition
Why bad things happen to good people
Baby's first modular weapon
I think I found!.... oh shit
No wonder Nicki Minaj looks familiar!!
so unique
Ça va bien?
Not sure if you needed to go that far buddy
The sign on my husbands graphic design department
Just take 2 more
russians with their vaccine
The kid knows quality spirits
Then I guess I am uggly and hot at the same time
Sassy box
inb4 Martin Luther makes the first wall text on paper
Why was I informed only through a bag?
.... Please
Disturbing “Cheese”
Cause why not
I'm tired of this privilege
Trump is a meme that just keeps on giving <3
My dog when she first had her pups vs now
Don't bring a gun to a banana fight
Museums CAN have a sense of humour!
gl hf
My friend told me he got to visit his favourite film set and sent me this picture...
not me tho
literal shitposting
So my mom picked up mask-making as a hobby and thought this would be a great design to use
cucked again
When 2020 gives you directions...
Humen what are you doing?
Who else thinks this is true??
The Holy Cross
The sticker suddenly made more sense to me
Also plauge
Found on my break room table at work
This mystery occasionally keeps me up at night
2020 logo
White Pride Skittles? Apparently no one at HQ thought this new movement could be misconstrued.
Hey, I've seen this one!
I walk a lonely road
might be a re 2
Every time we go to Grandma's house he goes straight to this picture and stares endlessly.
A friend of mine has used the quarantine to become a children's book author. I can't believe this is real.
Just devastating like why
Just a little weird
I think we can all agree this is the best dad joke of all time...unless you know of a better one?
That's the truth for you
Dwayne the skinny Johnson?
They’re all so different I can’t possibly choose
Harry Potter and the philosopher's gat
wtf is this even
"I can't believe I've fallen for a woman"
This is awsome
He must really not like AC/DC
an intresesting tilte
oh shit
They having a blast over there
Replace "horse" with "Dad" and this would be perfect for my front door
My wife brought home a box of covid I think.
Uh oh, quicksand
Just an elaborate prank bro
Good product placement or divine intervention?