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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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Elevator prank gone wrong
Meanwhile in Russia.
Japanese drifters
I think he used google translator
Dog scared of Sarah Jessica Parker
Never thought of it like that
Sadly, true story
Kitty jumping in slow-mo...
I want it...
Mother of art
The lesson is: Never try.
You don't get rejected because you're "nice".
I can relate
Johnny Bravo had the misfortune of being ahead of his time
Dinosaur Bone, Meteorite, and Gold ring
Since Valentine's day is coming up...
One of my favorite photobombs.
It's outrageous
Barium, Zirconyl and Yttrium nitrates with Glycine
Me on Fresh page.
Patrick's wise words.
I laughed more than I should on this
Two cats recovering from anaesthetic
I did it wrong the whole time !
Not bad, not bad at all
Drop the BASS
Damn Dora!
Sup bro
MFW all 12 of my cousins under the age of 10 come over
Seems legit.
Thousands of tires die each year
Nice reflexes bro
Taste the rainbow!!
These puns will kill me
Love knows no rule.
Asian Father
You don't cross Chuck Norris
What's your reaction when you're next to hulk ?
Everyday of my life
I have a toothbrush and soap
Kids nowadays...
Me at a club.
Mother's logic.
If I had one!
Final fantasy tactics
F*ck the police!!
A medal for this one..
So I introduced my team to HUGELOL the other day...
Laughed harder than I should have
Give your cat a scratch post already!
Play it cool, play it cool.
Poor Pluto
A very happy gif
Watching a friend fail.
Honey, get the camera he's taking his first... Aww. Never mind.
It feels so good.
How i feel when my post doesn't reach enough votes
I'll stop the robber!!
Class was cancelled and I found $10 on the ground.
Just russell crowe
Videogame Logic (6)
Videogame Logic (12)
4th period doesn't know how to party.
Videogame Logic (17)
Videogame Logic (16)
But NOT in the eyes of the law ....
This is not a repost
Dachshund keeps itself busy
I see what you did there
When I finally get the ball on soccer
Videogame Logic (13)
Just notice, not worth noticing.
And you tought grammar was useless...
Tears and feels...
Wow, i am delicious.
A logo can change everything
What the Expendables really is about
Tetris ski diving
Like a Sir
See what you did there
Yolo Swaggins
Famous last words
Niki minajberg
USA vs. England
I FINALLY know what to do with my hands when I'm dancing.
Evolution of race cars through the century.
Those are the fries we're looking for.
How I walk after smoking weed
Thanks Obama
F*ck your life