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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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Thou have not even a powdered wig to thy name
You should use a white cat for that
Outside the box
What you mean?
How am I supposed to put this in the trash..
Who the fu*k come to me
so that's what it feels like
Unity and peace
How dumb are you?
Face reveal for downnubber
Not his first rodeo..
What else?
It is what it is get over it!
just a few minutes
Can she suck the diсk in your heart, tho'?
Precious bread
Doesn't look like anything happened here, but he probably deserved it
Inbred cat
Like why...
With great power comes great responsibility
Owned with facts and logic
A cause I can support.
Impressive, very nice
What more could've happened?
I have decided to start catering to the part of HL that praises me the most
I told you alredy lol
Pack it up, boys
Subscribe if you also don't pay Mongolian children tax
This one is for Cedric
POV: We are good friends playing mario kart together
Step 5 of nose waxing kit.
Buddy Gator - Laptop
Tradition upheld
My 8yr old daughter made some compelling arguments today in favor of getting milkshakes...
Call that a screenshot
Chastity Protected
based neighbourino
A sighting so rare I had to take a picture
Tranny Response Team - the heroes we need in these dark times
Sad ***
Practice safe six
i wish that were me
I have taught myself how to cross stitch during the pandemic...
Super small
You know shit is getting serious when the immortals start wearing face masks
Humans can be eaten too, y'know
Upgrades people, upgrades
Moonshine, the cure to your ills ...
pro tip
Kisses all around
Surely for noble intentions, m'yes
The electric chair
My wife - You can't hear a picture. Me - ...
It looks more like a Steve to be honest
Tell me anything you want in the comments
Good friends
Seems a bit fishy, but aight
Just in time for the holidays
What pisses you off?
Board game based on a smartphone app based on a board game
Three times is too much for me... Well maybe one more time
Assemble all ye micks
"T-thanks, yours too"
This is always a very tricky one to read at bedtime....
Computer Test
Now I'm gonna get accused of being a centrist for posting this
My brother drew this for art class and got a C
It's her day
Good advice
Shamefur dispray
The really sweet deal
Doggo found an ink cartridge
At least their character is still in the guild so I can have the whole guild bank for myself
A friend of mine told me to take these and now I’m on a whole new level
Please do
My niece's mask is pretty funny.
So true guys....
Damn you got the moves
He'll ye
Anon buys cereal
Dating life
Aw hell naw
Etch-a-sketch museum
Call Your Mom.
Where’s the lie
I knew I've seen it somewhere