Thanksgiving 2020 - I was worried about my mom being alone this year, she definitely hasn’t lost her sense of Humor

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To boldly go
Todd getting ready for 2024
smeday your day will come
This is how people are gonna reinvent the TV after technological civilization collapses
Why does Kevin Hart's mom look more like Kevin Hart than Kevin Hart himself?
Marking your territory?
This pops back up almost as fast as it can get pained over
i BET none of you can
Design flaw again
also when you go on a hike with your fellow HLers
This bumper sticker on a Prius.
Time to pay $4.99 every hour for some extra lives (best value)
life is about knowing when to be serious
buy Mirror of Galadriel premium
Don't Fuk Wit da Roach
A fool and their money are soon parted.
brehs why yalls gotta get involved in other brehs lives
This mailbox I found near my grandparents' house, the guy is an appliance repairman...
I pity who those who didnt accept biscuits.
Kitty hero helps silly hooman @koobeycatcomics
can ϲockroaches be white? albino maybe?
Come come my buddy
You don't look the horse drawn from the front in the teeth
Now just need the rest of the chess board
YEAH and what're you going to do a about it
Say no
Not for long
No one: My brain at 3 am:
NO such thing as bad publicity. Wally’s Pub here on the NH seacoast, brilliantly seeing to it.
iT WiLL fiT yOU neXT yEAr!
Nerd humor
Hitler was good boy
*cries in loneliness
Kasparov is pissing on the board
My cow is sick. Someone please help
I know it's not Taco Tuesday but...
Hol' up..
Just because your wizard has 16 INT doesn't mean you do
The absolute nerve.
The Return of The King
Van Gogh Cup
Do you feel secure yet?
Gotta keep the traditions going.
Be a wolf
My mom thought it was stupid when she was in elementary school
Don't mess with my boy
My husband made our cat a plate since it was just us this year.
It's a Black Friday promo price
My Moms Thanksgiving Pie
Hmm wrong destination I guess
Grandpa is savage
Happy Thanksgiving, here's a little TG recipe!
Monke see, monke do
Beaver worked his a** off ...
the ivory gap
This sign my wife made actually worked.
no he don't think he will
Luck check failed
I drew this Thanksgiving comic years ago; pretend they are wearing masks for 2020
Happy Thanksgiving everyone !
The older I get, the realer this photo gets at thanksgiving.
Thankful for.... my cat
A Thanksgiving Tradition
Stay healthy people
The modern mice in your walls are very well setup.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone
Famous mac and cheese recipe. Don’t tell anyone but the secret ingredient is love!
Happy Thanksgiving. Cheers.
Approaching 2021
Evening Posting
Just in case you haven’t seen this yet...
Happy Turkey Day.
27 years later and this is more relevant than ever
They'd sooner do what Nasim Najafi Aghdam did
Granddad Vs Granddaughter
that awkward moment after chess
Japan has a museum of rocks that look like faces
I thought it was 10 paces each
I wonder what other ancient evil will the Internet unearth
And another libtard owned
No shit
I don't think I'll ever not find that face funny
Dating in 2020.
i stole this shamelessly brehs
Wholesome ghost
That's evil!
So long and thanks for all the burn marks