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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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That kid is going places....
Some dogs just don't like water
Silent Hill
Happy desperation day
And Meg ...
Now as a .gif
Brushing My Teeth
The vagina
I snickered at this
I'm on a highway to hell
That's some scary sh*t
When I ordered pizza yesterday
The cop will just turn and shoot, and fill out the paperwork later
How I imagine Black Friday must look like for some.
They're deadlier than they seem
The best advice...
That's a ***y Alien for sure.
Weirdest Demands Of All Time
And i'm a man
Very useful
I just read this sentence 7 times.
Makes me wonder...
Bows and arrows
Tough call
Do not judge the book by its cover
Deal With It
This guy deserves a medal.
I don't even.. I just ca.. I quit internet for today
Barney headshot.
What are you doing this weekend?
Oh, Youtube
Empty to well empty
This just brightens my day.
I cant be the only one who looks like a baby after shaving....
Hipster girl VS wood chair (kit kat insane)
Bring on the zombie apocalypse now!
*Actual conversation
How adorable!
The ultimate surveillance system: rotating pigeons
Why? because of this
Natural selection at its best
How does that even work?
Whenever my post get likes
Turned on the Tv to find a great disturbance in the force.
Saw this on a tree during my morning workout today.
Christmas adam
Sometimes, I feel like she's not a cat.
That's where millionaires come from!
Can you handle my swag
You are doing it right!
Stairs are for noobsters
That seems about right.
That's racist....
Cats are a**holes
Yo momma's so fat
Childhood memories
Rock n Rolbama
So f*cking close
What is Love?
Oh internet you continue to amaze me
Damn it, Ronaldinho!
Battlefield 3 logic
People won't understand their love
Boy knows how to do it
So awkward
R2-D2 stahp!
Frustration in Christianity
Like so we can do something about this!
Iron Man at his best
What the...
Lesbians signaling other lesbians
Poor Ratzy
Spiderman Compilation
Then vs. Now
F*ck our lives.
If u know what I mean :P
When my crush walks into the room
Sure Babe u want some breasts
Dead people are so selfish...
It literally hurts how perfect he is
Happens a lot
Optimistic Philosophy Major
Probably one of the best gifs evurr
When my mom stays behind me when I'm on the computer
How it looks in black
This guy has some reflexes
Still after all these years
Knowledge of this trick separated the men from the boys in Mario for NES
Baseball game streaker level: greenman
I'd rather to the shower one...
I think not.
When I'm trying to help someone and they snap back at me