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My sad life.
The world’s greatest economists cannot understand McNugget pricing
Was this would be better here
Chick-fil-a workers with the human traffic cone look
This was on display at the DMV
I'd give it a listen. It is that time of year after all.
Bad Cop
“Dis my Eggo”
Mariah Carey has entered the chat.
What my husband wakes up to vs. what I wake up to...
Ouchie wowchie.
This mailman spent the day being followed by Turkeys
Who called it
Don’t think she was expecting that
Gotta collect them all.
Making sense of statistics
Self reflection
2 types of nerds
Told the family there is a prize egg.
Yep yep yep yep yep.... uh huh uh huh
Mrs.incredible do be looking dumb thick
Plants love music!
Alpha Baby
I was tasked with clearing out the crawlspace, but then I found my old slot car track and progress haulted. A+ would clean again.
A Fun Fact About Rats
Ah, yes, videos made for kids.
My gf’s graduation cap
Arousal with extra steps.
Mr.turner knew !
That's one way to stop owners from not clearing up after their dogs
My boss never believes me... smh
it was the end times
Cute Creatures
begone that
Wonder what the story behind this is...
All plant lives matter...
f l o a t
Sounds like a whale of a time
Damn right in the feelers
That's what I call a pro gamer move
Everyone is an expert
Uhh.. Grandpa?
This sign from last New Year's hasn't aged particularly well...
Lockdown + cats + cardboard =
God doggo
Baby Not on Board
That guy is a legend
Sad Bongo noises [OC]
Meanwhile, in Brisbane Australia..
Shout out to our reptile overlord
Your welcome guys
Nico has a tough time social distancing
Mom found this incredible Black Friday deal
DQ Potter
oh breh
Our Thanksgiving turkey dinner 2020 quarantine version!
frog in cloths
Do you guys see the difference? I don't
The worlds best gravy boat- the Puking Pig. My dad likes to enhance the experience with sound effects whenever it’s used
Casual Friday
Let me just have this one chance to be special, oK?
pov:you open your dad’s gallery
When Friday hits
He’s doing the best he can
and ill make me the chad
My spirit
I love this guys level of pettiness
What I wanted to see in the Queen's gambit
Someone thought I'd died because I quit Facebook and sent my family a sympathy card
I'll take 'what?'
What happens if you listen to the Beatles while painting
Good MornIng
Green breakdancing
Squirrel advice
Getting a 4-day weekend when the pandemic still isn't over
I think my local store needs to talk some stuff out.
Sorry, bro, but this one is mine
When Friday hits
Wouldn't be as kinky
A childhood picture of me vs an oven mitt ad I got on facebook today
Thanksgiving 2020 - I was worried about my mom being alone this year, she definitely hasn’t lost her sense of Humor
To boldly go
Todd getting ready for 2024
smeday your day will come
This is how people are gonna reinvent the TV after technological civilization collapses
Why does Kevin Hart's mom look more like Kevin Hart than Kevin Hart himself?
Marking your territory?