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The universe is a yawning chasm filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience.
3-Year Club

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Checkmate English.
am i wrong thou
They cannot be defeated
Coz *** them kids that's why
It took me quite some time, but know i'm ready for a rematch
Why is a post title ?
Plant VS Zombies; IRL!
A true champion
Sad but true....
The Iron Delinquents, Rulers of the Streets
And gonna starve now
Quick while the France asleep
Maybe I'm a pokimon trainer !!
I'm Killing It
It's 10 inches long
Reason for overpopulation
Lemon Demon, consumer of warriors and master of disturbing funk. Can resize any part of his body at will.
Bright side of the Mººn
Evolution of the cat-monitor relationship in one pic
never seen anything more accurate
She a trap
Yo momma so fat that...
gonna poast this here
Full send it
30 more minutes
Me today on my “very special” 21st birthday
The username was cringe aswell
200 IQ joke
It was hard at times
nuns dont work on Sunday
It’s as simple as that for them
Pretty sure i'm gonna get banned
Do good unto others
A classic
Unfortunate son
this isnt what i wanted for my puberty chief
Wait, its impossible
Good ol' America!
I can see you
Put babies in prison for tax evasion, got it
Monke give speech
Just continuing the thread
We must have both to achieve greatness
“I’ve seen the world kid”
Man nobody has bad taste
I have nobody to celebrate with but I've lost 200lbs This is the first time I've been under 200lbs in about 15 years!!
Nice turn signal
Everyone has ulterior motives.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
They call me mediocre meme man
I’m typing in here as we speak
He is a true legend.
Im a hallucination
they just tryna explain, man
It’s immortal
Whats clappin
Wow that rough
12 year old Alena Wicker will be majoring in astronomical and planetary science and chemistry this fall at Arizona State.
how DeAndre Hopkins lets his blind mum know he scored a touchdown
Procrastination go brrrr...
I am complete.
How to properly hold a sword
Huston, we have awkward
Seen at my vaccination site
Introvert gang
A mod can dream
This is the only format that I find funny
Roit, have you tried the MuShY pEaS?
Say "Chesse.."
One at a time ladies
We're going fishing.
Axl Rose has slowly become Mama Fratelli from The Goonies.
For shame LinkedIn, for shame!
Iceberg kinda hot
Something ain’t right
still wondering how they didn't realize it when bringing it to lab...
You guessed it, she was crying because the usual is three of everything, and a diet coke
The mountain with his normal sized mug.
if you DONATE you can go to MARS
Poor Daft Punk
I see this happening too much
Ya thought
sad, they really did him dirty
Monke busters, the elder guardians.
Archaeus, Seer of Darkness
I'm getting scared
Everybody welcome OUR NEW MODERATORS!
Johnson, education slayer
1 OR 2?
It grew up with us
and thats where the big bucks start rolling in
BEHOLD the Almighty Centrist. QUIVER before his FACTS and LOGIC. BASK in his ability to never end up on ANY side of history. TREMBLE in his invincible WHATTABOUTISMS.
Monke is superior.
I can teach you to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death.
Im convinced of this conspiracy