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I don´t even know why i keep going back here. I have work to do yet i still go here atleast once a day. 8_8
Hardcore Poster
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or run into a wall deliberately
Reality is often not disappointing
Go Emma go.
France sparks it all
***ing Legend
A perfect cycle
The Origin Of The Impaler
I need all the positive energy possible
Be like Galadriel
They are my weakness
Mappa be doing God's work
Dedicated to the brave Mujhadeen fighters in Afghanistan
You said it, Chewie!
Deportation of Germans is still kind of tabu in countries south and east from Germany
Ah yes the fresh smell of guns
Oh the human race
The first Gulf War, or how to earn money while destabilising an entire region
Oh! Fruits and vegetables
Might actually know something..
He was just buying some hot dogs
Form ranks you maggots! Form ranks!
Pretty sure that's not supposed to look like that.
Making a meme of every country's history day 28: Romania
It's actually quite interesting to think what the perspective of WW2 would have been back then.
GermANy cOuLd haVe wOn thE wAr...
If you watched Game of Thrones... There's always that one teacher
when you have been humans main form of transport for thousands of years but someone just invented a self propelled cart
Sorted like a bag of M&M's
ooooooo canadaaaaaa
Objective failed
Picture day for the school bus drivers at my elementary school was always a blast.
Good job king...
Finally friday.
Time to hack
Slip given out at one of my local bars if security kicks someone out.
Greatest trade deal in the history of trade deals.
I hope you are having a good day
A few Arabs having a bad day, September 11, 2001.
There's only 2 things for sure, death and taxes
The best one in the band
"Yer n American, Harry"
This guy's way cooler than us
Leaked footage of celebrating mods after the election
The country just stopped progressing.
Used my last brain cell tryna solve this
Checkmate, father-***er
It was an honor bois RIP
coon tunes intensify
Yeahhh he's not going anywhere
'Now Francisco, on a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend the Ju 52 to your friends or colleagues?'
Napoleonic tactics at its peak
Cut Erik some slack
The aboriginals
Fat Fu*k
Hell hath no fury like a Thatcher scorned
5 Stars: Great Service
And so it began. I'm sorry if this has been done before.
Not that I asked him to anyways
Wake up at 8...
'Right, quick kick about on Christmas, then back to the violence!'
Cookie Ghost
Made a card for my boss. After 7 years, I’m putting my 2 weeks notice in.
How to become a chad
It’s an honest day
It's true though
Everyone loves them
Hiding Place
Sadly I cannot like this post
Let's settle this like adults...
Best way to bring some live entertainment to your restaurant
Macedonian Moment
In response to FBSN
Both saved many soldiers who would have died without their help.
Got that stimmy
Haha chess 2 go brrrr
Life is hard, I can relate
David Portnoy looks like Zuckerberg and Tim Allen's love child
Now you can go stare at tumbleweeds and UFOs, also learn this cool thing called democracy
Meme Site Tier List: S - Hugelol
Work Projects and Personal Projects
Sad :<
Yeah this is big brain time
Well he is correct
Less is more
My Doppelgänger
new lens
Me too
it was good lmao
The temptation of spices or tulips is also effective
Looks fake to me
I-it never fooled me, B-baka!