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Ancient wisdom found within
A perfect match
F for Percy Jackson
life expectancy: teenager
haha on trend meme....
dead meme but still, f*ck minimalism
Pea Plants go brr
This how you save a country
Real world application
Kids shouldn't grow up living in such arrogance
A real ladies man
They got me real good this time.
Are u serious fan boi???
Whats a girl to do?
Eugene do something
I read it in his voice, made it funnier
Arry Po’er
'Freedom for the Jews? Cyrus, Jew can't be serious...'
Dont let it die
*confused noises*
Emotionally spent
What? “Comfort women”? No, Japan-chan would never do such a thing!
When Mongolia tried join the USSR 6 times but got rejected each time
乁( . ര ʖ̯ ര . )ㄏ(◠‿◕)
If only we become what we eat
“It’s not a Hitler mustache!” - Charlie Chaplin, probably
I should be studying for my exams right now
Huge advantage in the early stages of the war
Am I a male or a Venezuela?
#1 definition on
You know it's true
Don’t tell me you expected this
Invention of anti-natalism
My husband wanted Lion King, but I’m more of a Star Wars girl, so I made this. Everyone wins!
Indira Gandhi: One of the most polarizing figures in history
Granny got Drip
Star Wars Actors When They Were Younger
This election can't be good for me, but I feel great
You know, Alexander Macedonsky was my ancestor
Subliminal messages
Say hello to my little friend...oh, wait
He has a good point
Dave's Midwife Services - Totally Professional
Who would have thought it was here the entire time
Oh no. Anyway.
I spent too much time on this
When the budget is too low..
I'm going to start using this word
Successful use of AI to de-age the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh.
The Superpower's Gambit
This is meant just for herrodere
He's chosen
Protestant Reformation 1517
I'm sorry, but this has to be said
There's gunpowder, the printing press, and this.
Basketball 101: no traveling
The club is still alive... soemwhere
1 cent is 1 cent.
It do be the truth
My man
A "creative" mask brand in Turkey
That's a really good technique for a store.
*cough* emus *cough*
Everyone losing weight in quarantine and then there’s me
Meanwhile in birdland...
I wish I could relate
Called my corn a rabbit and the guys didn’t get it
Help me step-trainer, I'm stuck!
Thoughts while waiting for the water to boil
You can't stop me from having a good time :P
500 M8
Must have been on creative mode
i have no friends
Time Travel Event starts!
Crap Meme xD
Quantum physics is the homeopathy of sciences
Dammit you Europeans
January. 28, 1986 for those who don’t
Omg a heatpats zone!1!1!
Turning on the nitro
The Nordics every couple years
"First tea, then the b*tches."
Checkmate, french smokers
France and Germany always used to fight
Very wise indeed
English dub with Japanese subtitles
Wait a second.. This feels familiar..
Absolutely f**king not.
He a hero
European countries need to chill
#1 Victory Royal
Creative mode go brrrrr.