Husband caught our cat hovering over my sleeping body...please excuse my face I didn't know what was happening.

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NASA should hire me for my big brain
Daily Erwin meme #1145
I lost you
All of Weebs have recommendations
Poor Americans
Instruction manual from my new toaster
Pickle Chick
Renaissance art is the best
Can’t do it
Oh no not the worms
2nd person mode when?
Let Operation Neptune begin
Uploading trauma
a truly "cliche" situation
Operation Neptune and beyond
It's time to find a new gf
Can't say they didn't deserve it...
Dude cmon, i sitting next to my crush
Politics. Politics never changes.
Isekai MCs in a nutshell
The Dynamic Duo
Poor guy had been ridiculed his whole life. He just wanted to feel normal
I love and hate discord
She has probably made 60k in the amount of time it took me to make this meme
Which option would you guys pick?
Does bad Miasma spread this way?
Don’t worry, happens to every Country sometime...
Anime on Youtube sucks.
We all shall applaud the jellyfish!!
Bojack Nokopara
Bruce Wayne literally owns the darkest building in the city and they still don't know who Batman is??
Schrödingers exam
If you didn’t know this about Disneyland, now you do...
See food
People in the Philippines take 'proof of delivery' to new level
Spin the cow faster
Damned bears
Felix best boy
I found the square root
Thats all...
AoT Final Season Team Selection Screen
>:) I will
Fake history 101
Gotta give Italy some credit where its due...
For ages up to 99
Making a meme of every country's history day 31: Netherlands
The Chinese cycle
Goebbels, the true mastermind?
It couldn't be more obvious
Like it solves anything.
Now give me the sauce
There’s wrong and then there’s stupid
Oops I invaded Poland
It's sad.
Is it possible to learn this power...? :(
AOT’s MC in a nutshell
Team work people, team work
what da dog doin?
Im not so sure about this
How could someone do this?
By our Lord and Master's decree:
Handsome Squidward von Stauffenberg
Most honest thing I've seen today
So Kim-Jong-Un was PSY the whole time
The ulti-mutt weapon devised by the Soviets
Did someone say time travel memes?
NPCs be like
It's Bill Gates for sure
Reptilians are everywhere
Ugly AF ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Would it kill you to read a book, Neil?
Got yo back if you need anything
At least watch the YouTube videos if you're not going to do proper research FFS
Here take this
Pepsi once had the 6th largest military in the world
We've got jokes people
A little bit of family Uno humor
Remember using arrow keys for cool math games?
Doing a pro gamer move before videogames were even invented
Think about your actions before doing them kids
Chad Armin
Don’t be like him
All hail single mama Chika
Creative director for a reason
I wonder what a good name for this would be??????
Old music memories.
Tricking the doggo wasn't a good idea.
It is too late now.
I guess it's quite accurate
Sad Baltic alliance noises.