I work in a call center. Whenever I get a particularly rude caller, I like to draw what they might look like. Here’s Russel, from today.

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What you call discovery...
it was 3 conflicts over an 116 year period
Sorry Paul
I have no creativity
Nice sticker
Makes me moist just thinking about it.
- eirdmocracalmstfaed
He's our hero
Cool, but rude
Then i'm coming with you!
Spending time with the family you HAD
Horrible histories sketch but in meme form
Haha meme go brrrrr
Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew
Not alone
Uhhh well then...
My baby!
Oh boomer
The groom’s last name is Howe. The bride’s is Wemett.
My grandfather saved us all
Bean water and meme news to start the day
I'm a Leo, I love Titanic
Austria’s greatest achievement:
Never been called an activist before
Sweet dreams are made of cheese, who am i to diss a brie?
Under Woter
Btw I know that ur just pronounced guilty
And then "promise" them some roadmaps
The hardest mission of all time
Bourgeois Virgin Vs. Chad Worker
Oi those ***puddle ***womble ***y*** made blootooth bri'ish
it's biasedly stupid but it's true
Extremely Severe
Cleaning the house has its perks
I don't know at this point
We ain't done yet pardner
Be yourself
laughs as a top tier war crime contributor
There’s just a box
The most epic chess game of all time
This electric power washer I bought that my son said it looked like Mike Wazowski from Monsters inc.
Y wot m8?
Only a pocket
This is not a meme - cleanse yourselves!
You're safe mate cant move sideways
Rat Bath Mouth
How in the world is this so reletable.
They did it
Less kids more money
Quite a big one too
mods have the big gae
Nine Inch nails are the supporting act
Sage truth in little
Hope y’all like this fresh made meme
I'd chose borgor
Nobody cares about the Tv!!
Found this on read dr stone online, couldn’t find OG creator
Thus Australia found a new sugar daddy
Haha hacking go brrrr
Soup of the day in Kenosha WI
Sad adventurer noises
Honest Answers
I made this a while ago but I forgot to post it lol
Direct flight from Spain to Brasil
For the one's who are confused
Sauce: Oresuki
Not anymore!
Well now.....
It's the best it has ever been
Haha violence
We are all, in our own little way, that ship.
I'll never forgive the japanese!
Hello people surfing new
Engineer Major Ivor Slight-Problem is never gonna live this one down
Ohh panzer of the lake
Mom, come pick me up I'm scared.
Cringe 14 years old kid must be
I already see the flames coming
I hope we put them in jail
it seems like a good idea, doesn’t it?
Suddenly, there were nazis everywhere
Sweden during WW2
Don't worry, we have a tiny excavator digging the blockabe out as we speak
I'm taking a nap
First human sale poster
The 44th and 45th presidents of USA circa 2016
A blessing from the Lord!
It’s all we need
Good ol days of 240p and schoolmates actually memorizing these dances
Sick move son
Looks good to me