"Sir the peasants are revolting!" "Yes, I know, they should take a bath more often"

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Chinese records of the Tiananmen Square Massacre
I chose wisely
Another epic victory for cancer
Sorry about the bad cropping
(((Suez canal)))
Bad times all around
The horror when you turn it around
1000 hours in MS paint
1 v 15 clutch
Exclusive interview with the captain
His mama is very proud
We all have our weaknesses I guess
Faster than my nut speed
I didn't need to see this
Oofing oofers
If I get enough downvotes maybe the PC police will recruit me ?
Suez Canal Crisis
C'mon Oakland
Thomas the War Rig
Romans called other people barbarians while beeing technically barbarians theirselves
Who woulda thought
My mother brought back some pasta from Italy. Bears, wheels, shells, trees, twists, stars, bows, honeycomb, flowers ..... and ..... and ... WTH is THAT?
'You don't want to convert to Catholicism? Jew have made a grave mistake...'
this meme way made in paint cuz im poor
Almost done though
"Just go away"
This is spot on!
Engineering is fun
Took me a few seconds to figure out this derp dog
You just can't win.
quisling the nazi failure
Mini sadness
I`m so sorry Mr.Mittens
First thing I thought when I saw this scene
*happy beaver noises*
Rules for Her and Not for You
Goats are basically a glitch
we checked
*cough, cough, cough*
PSA: The Romans Did It
I had to bring this back for season two
I edited it horribly because it's made from a phone
My son told my husband there was a lot of water coming from under the sink to the fridge
The Kaiser really thought the Belgians would be ignored
Next thing we know, the title will be a whole ass paragraph
when you get significantly more than you bargained for
Haha, just kidding! Unless...
Speechless situation.
They started to eat what? What are they eating?!
Just a normal day in 1942
Definitely different
The remix we’ve been waiting for
harry be like
from tyler durden to jack sparrow
Rip my Late Bronze Age homies
Are you on tomorrow bro?
It’s just a little head.
. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -.
Croatians sure are angry too
This is why I don't argue anymore.
No like feet
British Problems.
They probably wrote half the existing list too...
He lose 10 kg in one day. Doctors hate him.
hot take: melting children = bad
Just camp the site. Just camp the site! JUST CAMP THE SIT YOU IDIOT!
OC edit; Original credit to SrGrafo!
Ecofash praxis
I guess there will be a slight delay on my order
The resemblence between me and Eren Yeager from Shingeki no Kyojin is incredible
I’m playing both sides, so that I always come out on top
The One with the Suez Canal
Swamp “people”
Emotionally scarred animals
Oddly specific indeed
Best I can do is dead
Conclusion... aliens
By all means, go ahead
They don’t know. *Winks*
That's not very careful.
Biology and History meme
Disruption of International Trade, March 2021, Colorized
Burger King >>>
It’s just the beginning
Raphael the telemarketer
we’re all the same...unless you’re a pirate
The pain stays forever
Just bring in the professionals
They are all haters
And then overthink it...
shoutout to my history professor
My fingers ache
Second ever picture of black hole was not just released. It actually hit us over 20 years ago, circa 1998.
Both. Both is good.
I guess we'll see, won't we