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Quite ambitious there, Portugal
Level 2 complete
Banana pose
she´s 16
I was watching Golden Girls and couldn’t figure out why Dorothy’s face was so familiar and then it hit me
All my homies hate the black legend
Suez Canal, Futurama style
Shrek 2 is unironically amazing
My English Skills
It's impossible for Marx to be wrong.
You underestimate my paint bucket
Passive-Aggressive Confirmation Number
What’s really going on at the Suez Canal
Palestine goes brrrrrr
The real chad-name
It's called Democracy!
He was 15 moves ahead of everyone else
Retail Boogie
This is old, but I threw her a stick and in return she brought me a railroad beam. Sometimes she finds potatoes. She's my best friend.
Have you read the good book
One of these healers might kill you
Upside down cat, or
In that case, go ahead
Caligula appreciation post
The most fearsome words anyone can say this season
I’d say that this is true.
Ahhh, the irony.
Undoubtedly the most pain Kazuma and Subaru have felt
Tom Scott dies
Night sky
dirty hands, but a clean conscience
I'm gonna PAN
Treaty of London? What’s that?
good decision
good guy, he's good at wrestling too
Live Suez Canal Update: Still heckin’ blocked
Deutsche Qualität solution
Define "strong"
Taking back the Holy Land isn't child's play
*Silently burns money in the oven*
This doll is creepy, hope she didn’t sad Annabelle the movie
Napoleon III when he can't run for re-election: Imma do a self-coup then become Emperor
We do a little trolling
Can Of Worms
Treaty of Tordesillas
The best reason to miss school ...
The problem solved
Oh ***, he’s got a knife
Hehe race car go vrooom
It's Smashing Time!
Ah yes, math
Found this cleaning out my phone. Don't know where I got it or who the artist is. Funny though
Better than at home
Let’s say you fargot your watch
Be like him
What are you doing, step boat?
Revanchism Sadge
I regret making this
My cat regretting her choice to go outside in the rain.
I won’t stop till I crash and buurrrnn
reviving a dead meme
I mean she was not wrong....
Turn on audio
Grandma sews what grandma knows...
Shhhh, it's a secret
Damn boruto
Abortion is legalized in America, 1967
Evergreen also operates an airline in case you don't know
Even biggus dickus
Then He made someone write about it
Smoke intensely
It not much, but it’s honest work
Reject modernity
Still got it!
i love the internet !
It's one of those days
Ah yes the beachhh
Such poor standards
now smaller and more fun
Oh my... These national animals of Britannia are so... INTIMIDATING
Cops in my country look like they're about to start purging some fire demons XD
Farouk I was not keen on letting the Jews go and enjoy their new homeland
its interesting
Are you challenging me?
How stupid can people be
panzer and his friends could help upvoting though
at least you dont throw the prügel out
Plane Rice indeed
And the doors will never move again...
No cap they’re just as weird
There you go Peter