In front of me are people sharing toothbrushes, and behind me are people trading sounds for smells
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They keep on going
Fate is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be unnatural
Free Lightsaber? Sure I'm in!
Did you see something on the table? oh, it's a plastic bag.
Let it go Let it goooo
A friend spotted this in Paris
They won't know what happened to them
Dammit soyjack, you're embarrassing me in front of the other racists
In 2012 I'd be on Skyrim 24/7 tbh
problem grammar nazis?
Picture of a happy gay couple with their children after same sex marriage is legalized in America, 2015
He did set the bar pretty high, though
Hopefully Molotov remembered his Kodak to take pictures of each meeting
mother of god
Woe is me
2012 memes? Not 1933 meme?
untroll moment
Anon Us
He's the greatest dog-tator in the land
When you forget the staff again
based Caligula
Rage comics and poor quality go brr
There's the "shit" and "the shit"
How Frodo and Sam got to Mordor
Insert Emoji
Throwback to the classics
Stole this meme cuz it was funny
Rage Guy
Oh no, not again!
Did you ever hear the tragedy of the kid who cracked his head open?
I greatly enjoy Nathan Pyle's work, so I decided to do an inspired comic in his style for this idea I had. My lettering sucks and english isn't my native tongue, so sorry about that.
Me suddenly feeling like a kid from 2012..
Stupid Wojacks
Reject modernity. Embrace tradition
Back to normal
Call an ambulance, but not for me
The first rage quit: Ralph H. Baer and Bill Harrison playing Pong in 1969
The A.I should be called Christopher Columbus
You’ve went too far Fox sir
best april fools prank ever
2012 memes go brrrrrrr
Watching your favourite old shows and the “deadly virus” episode comes on
Technically though...
France be like
That’s an oof
ive been waiting for this
I googly-eyed the office after everyone went home last night.
he's aged well
Donkey Kong <3
frozen game
Ha ha April fool's 2012 memes go boom
April Fools Prank at Work
The "trinity", amirite?
A tale as old as 2012
Time machine go brrr
A relevant 2012 meme for ya
My kind of prayer
I invented everything, ever
Your sin is unforgivable
Power move
It is too good an age to forget
New controller announced by EA
Vowels are fun
Do you see the White shores?
Best day all year
Good ol Dora days ahaha
WW2 goes Brrrrrrr.
Give it to me straight Doc!
It's like 6 years that i don't use paint for a meme
Well play Aragorn
It really brings back good memories
ah 2012
Chess not checkers
Go to university they said....
The USA rejects adopting the metric system
Came home to homemade brownies today, April Fool's! Got me good
King vitamin water
Everybody has that one friend
It's no Minas Tirith, but
Live look at the mods today
Can I play with it?
They didn't laugh again
Never forget, elvish propaganda is a cover for past war crimes
When Elves and Dwarfs just don't fit nicely
I did it, after way too much time trekking through my dad's FB wall, I found the oldest meme on there
I will not apologize
Neville still holds a grudge
Bill Nye is pretty cool ngl
And thus the tides turned
This kid must have a Nintendo. Look at all those bikes.
It seems yesterday we still posted history memes. Oh yeah, we did.
Just push him in...