Honestly we should all be less offended by everything

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/631875
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You just doomed us all.
Thats a weird political compass
Kublai Khan assumed conquering Japan would be a breeze
It's always like this
Reverse camera
If one wanted the sauce? Where would one find it?
based on what?
Rui for president
Had to put some r’spect on it
can't a dude just be vibin' down here?
*Barking happily from dog heaven*
typical sunday productivity
This pretty much sums up their thought process
Breed to protect bread
mctrump arguing with his wife
america during the 1950s
The internet economy
we gon get more gun control brehfore we get legal weed brehs what a world
They mastered the ability of helping so slowly it appears invisible to the naked eye.
*confused European noises*
3 clicked... 4 staying out...
spices go brr
This should meet the 20 year rule
V2 rocket goes zrooom
I am a connoisseur of the Blessed Central European Cluster***
It's just a meme, not a debate topic
Ok then... Didn't know this about my country...
Yep that’s an actual article
prolly a re
Watch your step
I'm sorry, that was a sus thing to ask.
Not 1923
Welcome bruddas
Idk man. He is kinda right...
Fisk will never see it coming
is BottomGear still dank enough?
buying monster gf
Boss, I missed you
Is there a better word for it? Let me know in the comment section...
We didn't deserve Marie Curie
Woah it's a party in here
Operation Weserübung
Let this be the hour when we draw swords together
Wrong time
Just a heads up
When mr peanut died this is what originally came up when searched
We aren't that bad as you pretend
Too soon ?
Thats the American Education system for you
To be or is you aint.
Good soldiers follow orders
Good "Boys" follow orders
Rare photo of baby delivery.
Jesus joins super smash bros
Watch out for moving castles
Some of you guys do be lika dat
Controversial, yet brave
When the odds are in your favor..
Hope this hasn’t been done before
Stalin Inner circle
Arguable one of the biggest traders, wasn’t just limited to Africa either
There right...
Stop it, it is dead already.
Thee has't und'restimat'd mine own loveth
Remember his wise words
White Bread Matters
It never stood a chance
Big steppy
Where is the movie about this?
No wonder noone is sick there, they already have the treatment for it
We almost had an East Tennessee too
My country is pretty old but also pretty confusing
weimar people be like:
1950s music was a sin
Trade offer
Idk what title I can write for this
Then it broke again.
Need some sunscreen
Ha cha cha
also they would look sick
Holiness Continues
Ara ara...
this is "normal"?
Frame of reference
Guess it’ll just charge for the rest of time
Me at 3am
The perfect lif... oh shit
Its Terry's past
Dining during COVID season
He repeatedly asked on and on for having a war with Serbia
Lost my husband at Home Goods. Found him doing this. Never grow up babe
that's how it starts
He monch butt