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Please come back Tom89, shadowelve, LeHerp, Deznal and Null_!

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The Finns put up a fight; really stumped the Soviets
Nobodie is perfectt
why did you read the title after looking at the meme?
jubby bubbzy needs mowe moonies pwweaaase
misunderstanding must be cleared
This is dumb
I just love dogs.
Every teacher i ever knew
Keep calm, keep calm, don't make any noise...
Based cat
it'll be like that
This one made me giggle
Parry this you filthy sloth
The Russian Revolution goes brrr
but the open mouth hole defeats the purpose, ma'am
anime couples are so cute
Soviet space program
Cold sweat thinking about it
Programming is painful
RTX off
Vely Funny
Wrath of Heavens
Damn Romanians!
At what cost?
Anon is confused.
The Third Wave experiment is actually kinda fascinating ngl
Gotta learn from this guy
Professor Oak is a Hugeloller.
wash your laundry, clean your room, rinse your foreskin
Adobe Kd
Found out years later that the little bits schools did teach about it was all false
I actually asked my friend when his birthday is, after 6 years of knowing him.
i SAW one of them in a MOVIE
And through you, child, I shall become immortal. NOW GO AND DEFEAT A CRIME SYNDICATE ALONG THE WAY!
it also definitely isn't the doors, or the roof
You'll thank me later
They love me.
If only there was a nudist who likes cheese... Then I too would have a character to relate to.
Painfully acurate
Respect for this man, respect.
erase california
Can you be normal for five minutes
When your seed is spread across the land
Down in the south in the land of traitors
Not even Hannibal is into that
Meth is fun
I wanna be a cowboy baby
Machine learning is getting smarter than ever before
The League of Shadows.
Germany bringing the bants
Yeah... like anyone is going to do that.
13 year old me trying to be wise
This meme will die in news
The real Kermit
I need a sexy psychologist
Promo Code BLM
Creation of only fans
Doing some trade with some cool beans
Same vibes not gonna lie
On this day 32 years ago in Tiananmen Square, nothing of note happened
*** switch
These are the games that save me from depression
I asked for a ridiculous quantity of a seasoning that I like with my doordash order, and I wasn't at all disappointed by the glorious human being that fulfilled my request.
I don’t know how he gets in
Insert an AOT joke here
Excuse me, may I have a moment of your time?
That never really made sense to me.
Im sick and tired of online meetings
Roller-coaster ride wasn't it?
When the trees want to thank you for recycling
Very painful
I see dead people......
I’m somewhat of a Weeb myself
It’s tomorrow
Ah yes, it does
Ein Stein
He has become the Bort
End this terrible cycle
Tested positive for shitposting
Must be easy really
A good soldier is an armed one. JFK probably
That face thou
How to know if you're a weeb
idk how accurate this is, but go israel
They just suddenly disappeared
Let Max in dammit
what’s the big deal....?
Mods removed my dank meme before so here’s rising this format
Just spitballing
Have fun Humming it all day...
Flex Seal, the newest invention from Soviet Scientists