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On rare occasion i come out of my LurkinLair to post or call out reposts
4-Year Club

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On my screen
I have a headache.
Bush and Cheney after doing 9/11 2001
Game chats in a nutshell
Cut off that blood-flow
Rhodesia post
anon became an alpha by accident
oi btch
Terrible advice
Animemes > memes
Can’t tell if this has been done before or not
The type of father I aspire to be.
being gay is a crime in 76 countries
Pretty much the same vibe
Random dad joke go!
Americans huh
Still a better spin-off than Boruto
well yes but accually no
I'd be dissapointed too
*** you Kirito
Kaguya sama need it
Interstellar score
Ah, yes! I knew it!
Everything make sense now
Shopping cats
The MCU can get surprisingly philosophical at times
Oh, the double standard...
LoL bad
Buddy Gator -Growing A Plant
The kid represents my relations with school
South is the way to go
Beer billboard.
Only 40% POW's survied
Whe yis di edg?
i mean, got jebaited to watch the show
What the fu
You almost got it buddy
I tried hard but i couldn't find a dark mode friendly image for this template
Still created new jobs
A choice photo someone snapped at my local renaissance festival.
Is this to much to ask?
She loves petting her kitty tho
Ah yes, people...
ahh isnt evolution amazing?
I was not ready for this!
News isn't that bad ig
Cool, thnx
serve and protect
Speaking from experience
Important pregnancy questions answered
I rlly hate when this happens
this has never happened to me brehs but i hope it does
April 22nd is a Truly Special Day
Yoshida is one of the boys
iF yOu StUdY hArD eNoUgH
The airbnb I'm renting
the fact that the government isn't aware of this huge issue is disgusting
No I changed my mind
Why do I listen every time.
It’s their secret weapon...
It was commonly known among the animators as “getting Shrek’d”
How to solve americas problems
Murica and bri'ain
ah yes, shingeki no *cries*
My 7 year old wrote me a "thank you" note..
Useless Goddess.
That's ____ing deeheeecent
This happened in 2000 so it counts as “over 20 years”.
I'm lazy
Bonk the Honk
Then came the movie
we gotta go back, they forgot one of my tacos
Well...It's offensive and right at the same time
True definition of being a Badass
you just insulted my entire culture, but yes
He’s just 33 years old... right?
They don’t always get mentioned
What’s the difference
Fat man and little boy sounds like something WAY too nsfw
The fireplace was a little too hot last night
it's true doe
Hungarian news channel was talking about school reopening and:
This is too much relatable!!
This guys is laying down in the car hatch and holding these two plants as his wife who is driving keeps yelling "what" as he keeps yelling something about "pull over for a second" LOL
I wonder where Tsarist Russia would fare here
Picture of my father and his colleagues during chernobyl liquidation, 1986
bring the kids!.. oh wait.. don't bring the kids.
shocking isn’t it ?