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The most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.

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Figured that summer is close by. Not perfect, but I like how it turned out.
We’ll allow it
Hippity hoppity, you are now King Leopard's property
Godzilla and The Seven Samurai came out that year
Have you no mercy?
My wife leaves me notes in the morning. I hope this one’s not finished.
Viva la Cuba !
Austria-Hungary: “You weren’t supposed to do that.”
Some of you are cool so don’t come to Ohio tomorrow.
It actually happened
The Josh fight was amazing
It’s all Greece’s fault!
All in 144p
Don't forget the Circassian Genocide
A brief affair.
Push or Pull???
Hmmm. WW1 and Monopoly need to do some explaining.
History doesn't repeat itself, but it does get stuck in the Suez Canal
They DID It ! They actually did it ! Battle of Josh
nice try
Hive Mind
Legos are more than 20 years old and are therefore history memeable
Austria-Hungarians huh
Only Rome and nothing else
Maori musket wars be like
'No comrade, put down that Che Guevara tea towel! Your helping the capitalists!'
When did this happen lol
Welcome to Vietnam
Health food
Micky is legally from Paraguay
Yes.....Yes we are
Yeah who keeps doing that?!
how to deal with a big ass
Pretty smart tbh
Post ww2 Germany
I mean she’s right
Stealing time
That's all that matters
These 1,572 days truly were fun...
Experience ruined
Not all genocides are well known.
She fell and broke so I made her better, stronger, faster.
please change it
Holy Satanic Panic, Batman!
Yoshida help another high school girl
Catherine is my favorite.
At least it's not a taser.
uhh mama
Suck my ass nature
Butt chan
Retention Strategy
Say what you will but I think names like Supermarine Spitfire and Hawker Hurricane are cool as shit
It's just too easy for plants.
Josh fight
Henry VIII's wives, if they hadn't met him
Absolute power.
töte mich nicht
Tonight on Bottom Gear
Maybe there's some truth to that stereotype.
Of course not, but...
Still trying to figure out
This sub needs more musical history
Soviet Yun-yun
With karate I'll kick your arse, from here to Tiananmen Square
How to troll #409
Remembering Anzac
Eliminating the competition
We found it bois
Stop denying when the evidence says otherwise
this is pretty much what happened when we first watch it
Based on true experiences
1st world problems be like
Yeah idk why my back hurts
Be unstoppable
The introduction of potatoes to the old world was a way bigger deal than people give it credit for
My brother works with bombs. He sent me this
Finishing the sentence is impossible
Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher arrive at the United Nations
This will never ever get old.
Actually true xddd
I’m poor and free is always best
Ah yes, the courting of the cousin; a tradition among the nobles of Europe
Jazz musicians be like:
r u ok broh???
Nagatoro any% speedrun
Reminder not to fill your ship with incredible amounts of high explosives.
College, man
The illusion of time
Is this vandalism?
Goodwill Hunting?
Simple but effective joke.
Know your limits thot
It wasn’t.