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The most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.

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First week of the great war was brutal for the French.
Actors, with their younger selves
Superman vs Flash
I love stories like these
Hope is the last to die
Geographers hate him
Turtle Ramsay approves
The youth of today, with their loud music and Pickelhauben
Mark Hamill=wholesome
Gender Reveal parties truly are the dumbest thing.
Worth it
Star healing
Cancel Culture
life is sad
Thick boi
Guys...hear me out okay...dick picks
Only 4 of us?
how does one write seal noises
I had to Google "CIA headquarters" to get a picture for this, so now I'm sure I'm on a list
Fall of the Roman Empire, circa 395 AD.
biggus diccus...
When I see these people I just wonder why Sherman stopped
Little late I guess
Uncle Murphy
She may be a flying pig, but she kills tanks pretty good
The most wholesome moment of the year though
Oreo's life
Internet Search
Stolen Valor, but make it fashion
Some Metal Music history
He shaved himself
And then they had the gall to blame the USSR’s collapse on its failure to reform enough
You too
An otter meme
Yay josh won
Should’ve seen their faces leaving India lol
Worthy gift from lord
I'm an Arab and I really hate how schools don’t teach people about Arab slave trade
In the end there can only be 1
I wouldn't be where I am right now if it weren't for the great ones I had
Weird name for a reporter...
He said josh was his strongest opponent
Haha adopted
Brings joy
and the lord said unto him
If you don't, she does it Subaru-kun
I for one welcome our new overlord.
Turned out way better than Area 51
Triton is the son of Poseidon who's brother of Zeus who's the father of heracles making them cousins
It was filmed in a random field, what did you expect?
The Chosen Josh
Someone help this man
Agincourt be like
My wife took our dog to the groomer and picked up Severus Snape
I came looking for copper, and I found gold
I'll just scroll through my library all night then...
Looks like someone wants to visit
Sign placement is important
“I’d like a small fly please.”
Show her the flick shot
Found in Ray’s pizza in Hastings, NE
Whoever designed this baby sleepsuit did not consider the implications
Why you running my dude?
Guiding Light
I can't believe it.
Checkmate, Girl Scouts
A spectacle indeed
His parents are indeed cool
Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ being shown at the Globe Theatre.
people actually showed up!
The highlight of their day
In honor of my first movie going experience during COVID
That was a real fowl defeat..
Sounds like a good movie
Please sign my petition
Hol the phone
It's all over now
I’m not bothered by your ignorance, sir
Bouncy ball
You get what you ***ing deserve!
Spy planes is truly a weather enthusiast flying over Russian airspace
Was getting Pizza Hut yesterday and the ‘name on card’ field made me chuckle
Meanwhile in the delta timeline...
Dress Pockets
Little Josh is officially the winner of the Josh fight
little josh
An God said "Let there be appendicitis"
It wasn't easy, but I did it!!!! All Hail King Josh!!!
No hope. too strong
‘Twas a bloodbath
Not disappointed by this one
James Gandolfini and Michael Imperioli on their final day together on set of The Sopranos
Obama asks Biden to be his Vice President,
I see nothing wrong with this