Was removed for triggering to many Karen’s on another thread let’s see how many single dads we can support!

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You can’t hide
And on this day a movement was started
This says a lot about society
You did good
I mean what am I meant to do
I feel like a docter reviving this old meme
There is an imposter among us.
What a wonderful world
GG slut
You cant just move 3 dots and expect people to understand...
It started when an alien device did what it did
Can't Smell What The Rock Is Cooking
Ahhh, the age-old question: booty or boobs?
Damn sexy soup...
Makes being fat seem less depressing lol
Oh shoot I forgot relationships were a thing
Bird dude was dumby jealous don’t let him lie
At no point was Rome a state of one culture
Where is Uranus? My 9mo olds PJs leave no doubt.
Very fair match
Introverts irl
Hitler asks porsche to produce the tiger 1
Sometimes you just have to risk it
Yes... I would do it. Im a selfish man...
stupid would like to battle.
The corruption of police in America 1946
Have patience
The 2008 Housing Crises hits America
Double standards are pretty funny
Math history anyone?
A local sign for a garage sale
Sir, this is a Wendy's.
Vapes gave away Custard
Thanks a lot, dad
I’m concerned about the letter spacing. What did she do?
Oh Pope, where did it all go wrong?
can you make it
Should've known the scorched earth tactic would come to bite him in the arse
The New Head
the original gender-neutral bathroom
I challenge thee
Pooh Bear Looking Thicc
Best version of these memes yet
Don’t ask for me to call you daddy if you are for real about RP
English courts tried to block the ships, but the food arrived in Drogheda harbour and was left there by Turkish sailors
Its almost as if people dont like being owned many slavers got nasty surprises returning home from the war
Be kind to the boys.
Whenever I play with the bois
tfw the edible hits and you realize you ate...exactly the right amount
now you're the funny
Maybe do some self reflection Karen
He liked guys, he liked girls, the evidence is pretty clear.
Repost but I don’t care because it’s a favorite of mine
C'mon Slov, what are you doing
F bruhs
Mysterious cuts.
Read read
See kids
P.O.V. : it’s 1911 and you’re in charge of the Louvre
Dey ain’t da best, but
This is somewhat true.
Whet do Orks believe pink does?
with the death of this character, the thread of prophecy is severed
Typical tuesday
Do not listen brothers they are just trying to get more money from you
That scream is not fake
Just wait 'till you see the cave
That's how it was
Their contributions are often ignored
Happy Mother’s Day!
meanwhile in Nepal
pineapple juice
Snortbob Swearpants
If one could only be so lucky
Bird Watch
Let’s do this. LEROOOOYYY!!
Its not like they gain anything from it
He seems like a really fungi
This is brutal, well might trigger a change but still BRUTAL!
Mother's Day Gift
Making historically accurate memes about Vlad Draculea Day 5
Cats are the best
No rush please
A good birthday party for a good boy.
The fact that the groups exits is the best
Nice face
"We build a wooden horse...."
What Is that guys
They were lying
He'll be missed
I told him to keep his mouth shut
You won this round, tiktok users
"You're so irritating, a kidnapper would bring you right the hell back." -- Their moms, probably
But I don't have any friends
Ngl I’m kinda proud of this :)
MS paint fkcing sucks