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On rare occasion i come out of my LurkinLair to post or call out reposts
4-Year Club

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Trash Panda found his home.
Ottomans Besieging a city.
Kotoka Body Pillow
Nah but fr, some anime is better in dub
Except it is 116 today,and 118 tomorrow, why do I live here?
got any milk
You want sum'?
it's never too soon
wholesome meme time
Keep your lions and tigers
A Virgin Chad vs a Chad Virgin
Oh no you don't
I ship them so hard
im just telling the truth smh
American here, can confirm
Love is truly a mystery
Think weebs, think!
Breathing is my talent
Komi noo
Just.... speechless
Of course, it is acceptable.
Isn't English fun!
Put ‘em up!
The LEGO company fears her
POV: you are an italian soldier
Client bought paper clips shaped like dog bones
The Norse could just challenge anyone to a duel, so they tended to respect people's sexualities.
Her superpower
Get the hell away from my picnic
Axl Rose has really mellowed out in his old age.
You broke the law
Cute turtle
wait a minute thats not the sun
I wonder what his batting average is.
Why they so smol?
Come on Japan there's no shame in admitting you lost
Anything to win a case, I suppose
I actually wanted to see a scene similar to this in the movie, so I made a meme to visualize it:
If you get it, you get it.
post your best pepes
I just want a hug
How else would dads know the channel has changed while they're sleeping?
In 1998 you could fit the whole internet on one floppy disk.
To be fair, on a bright sunny day, you'd never see the French coming
Steve my man was all muscle no brains
Jesus Christ declares war on Ebola, 2014
Did a double take when handed unslut tea at a restaurant.
King Charles IV of Spain and Prime Minister Godoy be like:
Would you buy this iPhone?
Bad dad gang
This is genius.....
Annoy me and I shall savage your finger with my mighty claws!
We all can hear them.
Update: he’s still there!
I mean, he has got a point
The evolution.
Speedwagon biggest chad
Why overcomplicate things
Jake paul is washed up
And so, thanks to American nuclear tests, we got a sponge living in a pineapple under the sea
Was there a real reason why they did that? I mean you can spot them more easily like that.
Praise be the lord
trad bunnies
This nigga eating beans!
That's a no for me dawg
Just a lesson
Das ist sehr interessant
Netflix really will make documentaries about anything, huh?
Scry some more pissbaby
***ing legend.
I am the richest man on earth!
from giant to tiny
Truly disgusting
I remade the "Oh Jew!" meme
they teach us more
Colonial Period of the Philippines in a nutshell
Ah, I see that you are a Valedictorian of culture as well
Cant beat the teens
o yea, its big brain time
200IQ plays
anyone else hate the new logo?
She's a predator in more ways than one
Emiy 15 | BLM ACAB | tree/treeself won't stand for this
It took 3.6 minutes to make this. Not great, not terrible.
Trrriiiinn trrrriinn
poor guy
HBD Zucc.
Violence isn’t ok guys
saddest book ever
He made really dark stuff.....