Making a love is war meme with every meme format I can until a new episode is released, day 194

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Duolingo has pretty incredible incentives to keep you going
Israel/Palestine Solution- "damn Brits ruin everything" - Mehmed VI
My history teacher had us make civil war memes and I finished mine c:
Apparently, Dreadnoughts were super expensive for the time.
Badass to Waifu
I really like My Next Life as a Villainess.
Danke, Arigatou, etc.
cant find it maannn.....
R.I.P 2005-2017
Where what WHO?!?!
Ecchi good
I mean, aren't they?
It's Beyblade time
Miku Best girl
Ukelele time
Ant Story! for more @kinglouieslab
Uh…this was on the desk at my job…
I told my sister if she graduated with honors I would wear a matching dress to her graduation. She said the thought of seeing me in a dress was her motivation when she wanted to quit. Worth it to me.
Eye exam during a pandemic.
It’s possible the CDC just gave up...
Virginity is a choice. My choice.
He’s got a point...
Has this been done before
Teacher feedback
Hello everyone This is YOUR Daily Dose of Internet
Ain't nobody touching it
Nice shoes!
One is expired
Nice touch there
not to brag but I’m halfway done filling my basement with gasoline
I have so many memes I haven’t posted
Im not sure anymore
This is truly unacceptable
Breathing is fun
time to commit warcrime
Just doing what little we can
Don't park close!
Le French are here
Sextus doesn't call himself "Neptune's Chosen" for nothing
She might have had blue hair too
These trees think they’re so special
F'n casuals
He was alive until he wasn't
This memes for intellectuals only
I'm way ahead of y'all
It's complicated...
The Emperor's New Clothes
Something is probably wrong with me
Get that yellow umbrella ready
She's talented
The Thirty Years War
It’s Pizza Time
Been Places
Still downloading more.
Low on gas are we?
oh boy
Absolutel lad.
meanwhile in nepal
welcome back
Who needs an education anyways
commie bird
A little bit of you makes me your man
Excuse Me! WTF
It's not my wallet
Ez money
EvOlUtIoN gUyS
Is this allowed here
An entrepreneur left this at my front door
1939 was wild
They didn’t know ...
Spotted at local gas station. “It’s for my lawn mower. I swear”
That killer work stress, ya know.
Octavianus is overrated
Eid Mubarak ladies and gents
the moon is getting lonely
No! I don't wanna die!
Squirtwrap Supreme.
Hey Squidward you’re choking
History oversimplified
Ahh nostalgia!
Glad to see more people posting dad jokes
This might take awhile.....
The world's Hottest
Now to get my own 'manity back...
Young people will not understand
They are good
He said it, but he didn't really mean it
Jânio Quadros was a political genius like none other.
The Japanese had the right mind set for the time .
Showing you are vaccinated at your first unmasked social event in 14 months
Komi speaks the truth
I ask only for the strength to defend my people!
Casting doubt
Well, it seems like one can