guys remember; humans weren't made for an environment that offers sexual stimulation 24/7

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oh lawd its a comin
Aqua = magic item
Plummeted in Popularity
Sometimes your name really does dictate your life choices
It's pretty obvious for me
'We are just business men, doing... business'
Move along, please...
GUI? Pff, I'm sure there's a vim plugin that lets me write/draw an ASCII circle
Not opinions but facts
I think this stick figure is acting a little TOO nonchalant for my tastes.
I thought this was just a South African bus thing
Pin me "Bad Life Decision" Onee-Chan UwU
Roommate wanted
You can't win
But now I can make the Bri'ish speciality "Milk Sandwich"
Except their Twitter accounts.
the ****
Face reveal
Great success indeed, CC
Boku no hero right?
Can't find it.
In like Flint
ohhh my god!!!
Indian Space Program: Return of the Snek Peopels
This is all your fault, Tetris
The kid did Nazi see that coming
Not sure what makes me laugh more... Huge stone on the table or....
Repeats cycle for 5 days a week
So emotional, So beautiful and So perfect
*** liquids
Actors for high school characters are like 25 years old
It wasn't easy
He's a great guy
Followed closely by hellenic period Chad's.
I get my gas from my...
Still makes me chuckle
Someone ordered me 28 large Dr. Peppers at midnight.
Hitler in fact ***ed the economy
horny ppl these days...
Smol Face Baby Boy
You are wrong and poor
Where are the natives John? John?
Based kojima
makes you think
“Sir, where shall we put the convicts?” “Just Popham on that island”
Abraham Lincoln giving the Gettysburg Address circa 1863.
So what type of shit happened here?!
Well technically...
Either that or just black
Censorship is truth
Play it cool
German high tech toilets....
it could be you
Never forget the Kent State Massacre
You see it too right? right?
Oh yeah I feel it coming
He asked, god delivered
it's not just a boulder it's a rock
Nothing actually happened back then.
Lmfaoo facts
The true Iron Lady
Happy 20th Anniversary!!
The man who saved the world.
I don't think I can recover from this.
Financial problems require Monty Python solutions
When the cyclists are sus
Get to runnin little one
Anon is an investor
The uno reverse card
He said “Soon I will exist no more.”
The Grey Ghost
What is he tolkien about
They get free promotion, we get meme potential; it's the greatest business deal of all time
New Hire Wage
Right in the Kokoro!
Me on my way to meet my ex
It doesn't even take me that long too
I can be evil too!!
Unfair life.
That's barking mad
Dog get it
I wouldn’t know
Who reads these
Nazis commited A LOT more than just one genocide
Pizza delivery > Government
Are u agree?
Time to go fishe
Samsung appealing to a new crowd