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I got perma-banned for mass disliking before. Yes it's real. Then I quit voting, but now I'm back.

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Just as i want them to be
Haha MG-08 go brr
Laughs in Sith Lord
i hope I'm first who made this
She pranked the rest of his life
Think Hans ! Think !
I plead the fifth
What the hell are you looking at? Keep scrolling.
Squeak squeak squeak
Other capital cities that can house diplomatic negotiations are available
That's Bait
Walt Disney 80 years later: “why do I smell money”
They scared the sh*t out of my grandfather
Thank you, Stranger...
First person games
Contemplating his existent
Look at this three fished fish cracker I found..
1936 olympics in a nutshell
Keep going
Solid plan Rob
We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty
'You know, when I said today was going to be a blast, this wasn't what I had in mind...'
I work full time
'Belgian neutrality? Nope, doesn't ring a bell. Shame...'
He was really interested in one certain speacies
god how I hate women
Man protesting in Tianmen
Darkness format > Drake format
Upgrade people
And then everyone is related to Ghengis
True power
And so the “Highway of Death” was born
Milk wagons
1917 was an eventful year
Made a quick meme while arguing with a turk
And handsome too
Mehmed! Bring my onion hat
They don't love frying pans. They love Pan.
What was I doing?
Easy cowboy
Insert south America
'Perkins, you forgot to wipe your feet! This will certainly harm relations with the locals'
Guess who's back, back again.
He's too dangerous to be kept alive
You shouldn't kill spiders
Ork please
Hey, you're finally awake...
"What you got there Yamamoto?"
I'm looking at you Romain
Where cookie?
Most Confusing
I'm not even sure if I'm in pain any more
or if it needs a new big update
Today is a big day for my husband!
Hoping to see them again someday
'We don't even need to pay for fireworks, Eva. Look, you can see the shell explosions from here!'
Would be a real shame
Oh god, what happend when they were split?
Cargo road
Always good to clean the hard drive
True story
Great more gypsies moved in next door
I know people talk about this quite a lot but it's just ludicrous how people can deny such an atrocity of this much historical significance
Climb on in buddy
Don't post anymore memes in general please
It be tight
Mussolini is having second thoughts
What do you think I'm doing stupid
Tom and his neck beard friends
Very true
I found him boys
Into I, exile must go
which colour are you going with?
There's gotta be a solution to that. Probably the last solution we'll need.
Im saved
What's the matter lil'pupper
'Waterloo? Geez Rick, I don't know about this'
my backlog is massive
It can never be that simple
Back then they were called macros
They got somewhere to be
Quite funny totally
Why is everything so heavy?
*Chuckles* I am in danger.
I have SEVERAL questions.
It is just a symbol nothing else.
I hate women so much
Imperial justifications
Lets go Lesbians
Christopher Lee taught me more about Charlemagne than school ever did