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Actually just a regular armadillo, don't know why it says dildo lol

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Finally, another good manga adaptations this year
The only 3 books I need
Works for any game you want
Why do people hate us so much?
my stages of watching an anime
King's reaction in second panel
Love you granny!
That's an expensive ice cream cone
I_ is _o be expec_ed
... in bed?
The quiet kid be like
Weimar republic rage quit
There is a big difference
they're all underage. don't do it.
"how can you see with these"
But, this is supposed to stop bouncing
I want one
Inhuman Resources
Found this in my gallery and thought I’d share it
He thinks he's a dog
and then thomas sliced comes along
It’s been a while since I saw Star Wars but .. I somehow remembered it differently
aH yes, broke
He should honestly stay up there
To do
Round World Theory
*visible nervousness*
Get smashed Jotaro
Youtubers in their thumbnails
A bit suspicious
PayPal employee of the month?
I'm sure
joker and batman
That's a checkmate, nature
Mom pick me up I’m scared
Belgium: I didn't sign up for this mess
Days of past.
A tale in 4 parts
Hmm... thicc post
My cool dad
I have my reasons
Stupid super ***
Evolution is badass
Feeding dolphins out of my hand cause I can
Gamers ordering meat be like
Armor piercing rounds are bad for your health - some in more than one way
the spear has always been the Meta in the battlefield, before Gunpowder Weapons
ichigo from darling in the franxx
The Renaissance, yeah, about that...
Enjoy the next 30 mins of uninterrupted listening
Native American History
New Age Fashion!
Check his Wikipedia. He was really unready
A spud-tacular move by Freddie
She knows it
Don't worry sir, the semen was from feminine dicks
You missed it fool here's an alternate
Essence of Dad joke
The citizens of Alsace-Lorraine switched nationalities four times in a century!
I love uranium fireworks
Frick mobile game ads
What's a guy gotta do to get noticed around here?
Hey look, the Winged Hussars have arrived! Someone should write a song about this
We got different pullout game
We do a little revisionism
Jango Chadd's Based Adventure
Marvel fans (pukes)
How does one build a Machu Picchu anyway?
How I sleep, knowing I won't hear from him for another week
And Gypsies and Irish, too.
A true love hate relationship
Something greater than us all
Christina Clemons qualified for the olympics wearing Cool Ranch Doritos earrings
Yeah so this is my first meme. How did I do?
Reject humanity and monke
In 2012 when Diablo 3 was released, these two lads had came prepared
Just finished Season 1, thought this was too good an opportunity to pass up
And they say trees only make the view green. hmm
don't trust the NPC media
A little outdated, still nice to hear
Odin can't hear you now
Please shut up brain
Bad Burglars
It's a safe haven asset
American Psycho
More than just besto friendos??
All those years of campaigning and drinking really took their toll
And that anecdote brought the session to an abrupt halt
Now why would they need such a thing???? I wonder???????
My wife’s idea of saving money.
Best gardener on the block