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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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As nice as heaven
help a little devil out
Stupid ***ing ***
Of course
For those having a bad day
Please, stfu
differences people, differences
damn straight
Wait that's not what I mea.... nvm
Where's my body?
Next stop, the Holocaust museum !
chad move
time to go back to normal
355 years!
Photo proof for my sister that her cat is excited about me babysitting him
Got violated ngl
Finally, we’re safe
F**king legend...
Please don't invade me..
Eigentum der BRD
Do u like fushiguro ?
Fick die Engländer
probably haven't been on this platform long enough
Erm injecting what?
come at me bruh
ohh noo
Which one's better ?
Little red riding hood?
This is how I know the pandemic is truly over.
I wonder who made this awesome post!
Bri'ish sportsmanship
saddam is back?
I’m not the judge of this but high can is just better
What if we use an international standardized system of measurement?
Years of academy training NOT wasted!
Proof that the floor is made out of floor
It'S cOmInG hOmE!
Well, I did say I would provide the evening's entertainment
Based AI
I love this type of comedy
Also Europeans: It's Not Big Foot, It's Big Meter!
kowalski, tell me something smart
He was living korean history. Also living chadness.
Doc Ock reads the JoJo manga
Checkmate weebs
It Feels Good To Be A Degenerate
How to turn $40 into $400...
Get in loser, we're saving cinema
There's someone for everybody.
I think I got all the meme countries. If you have another, comment it, and if I get enough I'll do another one
Father & son conversation
Continuing the thread
I put an arrow there, so you know which one is me :)
'Just split it in half; trust me, nothing bad can come of this'
Fried Chicken Inbound
Im 4 parallel universes ahead of you...
The Germans are defeated three times now
Kaboom yes
always has been
The Germans have invaded!!!
Why does it fit so well??
It sucks being a third world country during the Cold War
7am Decisions
I saw English sports fans acting like giant twatwaffles online and got inspired. Never forget that in 1968 eagles fans chased santa out of the stadium
Police go bonk
Very embarassing moment
Honestly the best naps
Adnmmcually it’s called foot balls!
Straight to the boiler room
War crime bad, watermelon good
The Korean War 71st anniversary contest #116
Viel Glück
I'm sure this will lead to civilized discussions
Noah? GET THE BOAT!!!!!
Adorably funny
Your problems are internal
Take two and call me in the morning
Basically this sub by now
Nobody deserves to be bullied.
The tales of the wise husband
The germans wont see this one!
now i challenge you guys to say the word without using cum/sperm/semen
Time to smash
The sacred one has returned
The comment sections are filled
I'm sure it'll be fine
This scene is so depressing
Birthday Pup
Childish, sure. But I couldn’t resist.
My brother found this deep