Well music uses reposts too


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The best way to kill a fly!
No thanks i'm good
The Perfect Couple
How real Jedis are born
Cat training program: failed
One of the reasons why I love Charizard that much !
I wish I know too
Well, nobody really is...
Said no woman with braincells ever.
So thats how they do it
Oh english
What sock...What dude...
They probably will
His eyes... Stare right through you
You're turning into a woman
He had a point.
Tumblr gold
Batman wait what?
You shall not glass
When my mom tells me I can?t get my favourite snack
Keep swimming like it never happened.
Gotta instagram that sh*t
Math class
Took me a moment to see the cat
So much great information
Shw got some skill..i wonder why??
Science Bit**es
I laughed more that I should on this
Your mind is now f*cked
NO, it's Becky
Girls nowadays.
Tutorial: how not to curl your hair
Whenever I try to prove my point to parents
How to be a complete douche!
Birthdays in a nutshell
Greatest story ever.
Childhood memories
Where to find oatmeal recipes
Wise words
The most used words of courage from friends.
The internet.
When You Finally get a Moment alone with Your Crush and Someone Walks In!
I like taking pictures of rusty fire hydrants and turning them into planets.
Don knows his sh*t
Sometimes it needs 30 Down syndrome kids to realize that YOU'RE the social outcast
Good dog
My secret place
When some embarrassing memories pop up in my scumbag brain
Algae Lamps
Now THAT is bad luck
One of Those Days :(
Mom was worried about my trip to Detroit, I sent her this picture.
Don't act like you don't want this
Behold, the sloth fu master
When I'm out with my friends.
Guess whos fired?
Always look at the bright side of life.
The best Harlem Shake on the web (2)
This is why I love Top Gear
True wisdom
Dem eyes.
Lance Armstrong should be know that.
I'm New and Everything I Post Is A Repost.
"fite me irl"
So, the cinema wants me to buy their overpriced products? *disdainful laughter*
May the found truth set you all free ..........
Screw the guy in the back, it's the midget that gets me.
Seems legit
A true inspiration..
Seriously, how?
A life advice
Just tumblr
Boobies *.*
Just a normal day for married guys
You Grey just made my day
Please don't
Whenever you try to sneak a glance at another girl
That's so sad !
Kick A Ginger Day.
It's a boy!
As a friend makes a great joke about you.
He deserves a standing ovation.
My oxygen, you're stealing it.
Me with Science
Awesome clock
When im trying to move on in life
Jack Sparrow.
An animal sent straight from the depths of Hell... the shaved bear.
I always wanted to try that...
The alternative ending
At least he's honest!
Just an epic minecraft picture
*best modern Harlem Shake video
When we ask our married friend to come to the pub with us