brehs would yall go to the doctor if yall od'd and had multiple seizures or nah serious question

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you may be cool but you've never been amianas drew my profile pic cool breh
or maybe you are i dont know ->

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I just got this pillow. Once I put it on my chair I thought, "hey, that kind of looks like a Duracell battery." I cannot unsee that. It is forever the battery pillow.
I love Pie. Pie charts, Pie day, Pie Jokes....I love Pie.
And A Sprite Please
Why apple!?
so much for saving 2 of each species
still friends
A brief history of the creation of the first party system in the USA circa the 1790s:
he just want to play
Collect me like one of your Pokèmons
You're killin me, pilgrim
I just really like water
At first glance I thought this truck had a cool realistic tree painted on it.
I thought it was just three years ago...
Master bruce
Wait that was not supposed to happen
I just want to say that lately I do feel marginalized.
Freshly Squeezed
Portrait of a hopeful Confederate Officer. He was tragically crippled by bone spurs & sat out the war, 1861
If you don’t like Cool Runnings, I don’t like you.
When you're downloading something and it gives you a time estimate
Budget traveler
I bought an off-brand box of corn flakes cereal and my smart-ass roommate sticks this picture he drew on the box.
Korea is an anime reference.
Never judge a creature by his size.
Your welcome
Just to remind that her punch is very lethal
If they were fraternal Twins and one was a male, I’d assume the male would be the heir, but what if they were the same gender?
Now it all makes Sense...
Constantine XI doesn't stand a chance
We did it a second time too! Thats for dumpin the tea in the harbour!
Imagine dragon deez nuts across yo face.
thank you, kind vandal
ben : (
Didn't really think that one through
And that was the last we heard of General Washington...
Nihilism is not an advocate for apathy. So many people get this wrong.
The evolution of math
I found this way funnier than I should have
Can anyone in Seattle confirm this?
A Street-Food Vender Menu-Board in my Town
Window Jumper
Mutual understanding is the key
American lawmakers donate thoughts & prayers from across the country after a recent school shooting, 2007
The moments before the Chernobyl disaster, ca. April 1986
I feel like this post is going to be remuv
Snapchat introducing “Smartfilters”, manipulating your selfies for better smiles.
The duality of them deniers
Productivity Guide
What a performance it was
Brat - Funny Teenager - Death.
Alexa, plan heist
Cherish your friends everyone
Nice black cat
Babushka Take Me Home
I’m convinced
Mark Zuckerberg and his wife pose for their wedding photo
My local ice cream shop needs to contact our bosses.
Its freaking HOT
It really did tho
The Allies granted them a plebiscite and the people voted for Denmark
Global warming tho
Would you like to open a card with us today?
Its about right.
Heh heheh heheheh :')
You'll never understand my pain
Though some were eager to sacrifice their lives for the emperor, others did it out of pressure and questioned if this was really worth it
I can’t decide
Neko conneco
Weekly Contest #117
Doujins steal me away from reality by showing how their MCs satisfy 69,420 girls
Raccoons are just underdeveloped goblins
So what's your opinion?
Anon has come to make an announcement
I want one :(
Drake where's the door
and a very die
What Russian stereotypes?
It is now illegal to be gay June is over
As long as it works 90% of the time 60% of the time
Today is my birthday
We all started watching them on cartoon network, but still no....
The parts of inland Europe that were next to rivers were still raided by vikings, but y’know
Talk about a downgrade
He is the best when it comes to costplays
Do you get now?
Read the Primary Sources, people!
It was unexpected
Cleopatra having the last laugh
One of my favourite documentaries; really well executed
Kazuma Selfie....
why the person on the middle is so red
i help a lot of people
Von Baron killed it :(