Chiellini summoned the strength of times gone by, as football headed back towards Rome

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Never meet your heroes
Penguins brought luck
Thanks I guess?
I will tell my kids that Dracula defended Europe.
Invention of the "Snake" game, 1998
Don't worry guys it's totally safe it's those damn commies who keep giving you cancer not our products"
it's enough to make a grown man cry :'(
Am I that old?
Big Ball, Small Ball
To any of you loli fans out their
Dw, I understand why you all hate us. I hate us too
They’re reaching America levels that’s shouldn’t be possible
England fans were humbled
Made a pun I thought of into a silly comic
It's basic geography
This is a good sword
i am monke
I gotchu homie.
Chadness level : Absolute
Gg Italy
Not gonna fool me Uncle Sam
When you know it holds such bliss
Everyday scenes from Mumbai
C'mon kid get a hint
Should've bombed Bletchley park instead of Civilians
Fans being good at being fans
I am gender gas
And on the seventh day they rested
It was the same day
England loses to Italy meme #177013.
'Enjoy your new life in Bohemia! Don't forget to write'
Well ain't this true
The detective.....
Any moment now.
happy cannibal noises
The Genet Affair, 1793
I gotta run they're coming to cancel me
I like to move it
American crime story
Not all hearoes wear capes
Yes, England lost.
Tonight we are all Italiano
Minecraft has come a long way
Obviously you’re allowed to feel offended by certain things btw
Who tf eats it without a dip?!
Virgin Orgy vs Chad Boys Only Sleepover
when puberty hits hard
I am no longer an atheist
How is this possible?!
Gottem lmao
Read from left to right
Forget Florida man….how about Florida plumber
100x better than Gandhi but no one outside India knows him. RIP.
English or Italian breakfast?
“Dafuq they doin over there?” -random Prussian soldier
You said what?! That's it, it's Mendel time!
And thus, the yanks fought back
I'm sorry little one
Advice from the Man Himself
Not even close babyy
Cheers everyone
Good job Florida man
Nodrink day 1
Idk what i say in the title
*** we homeless
I am sure he is british
Feels bad for the players, especially the last guy from the England team. The fans got what they deserved.
BBC Closed Captioning
28 stab wounds!
Scramble for Africa ain't no joke.
The most mamma that has ever mia’d..
Why always me
The possibilities...
Rome didn't come to play
My satisfaction is immeasureable and my day hasn't been ruined
Wacky Spider go Brrrr
Doctors kinda fell off
I always loved mages
That sudden realisation your an anthropomorphic pizza surrounded by hungry Italians...
I will always admire William Shatner for making one of Television's most important moments happen. He really stood up for what was right
This community requires post titles to be at least 4 characters
Euros 2020
I need to watch fist of the north star
If Conor McGregor was a truck…
On the topic of interesting people, how about Tom Lehrer?
Twitter doing its thing
England lost
he's just frustrated
I feel sorry for them. Great game by both teams.
'Awww, look at him go! He has a tiny hat and everything'