Why my parents make me go out and socialize with human beings. Life is not daijoubu-peko.

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What a beautiful dragon. Chew.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 317 ✓
Que pasa
THAT would make me very happy...
proceeds to wheeze uncontrollably after the 100th rewatch
SAO is the reason I’m never touching a VR headset
Nothing gained but so much lost
Just don't .... Can't u understand
Can't run Real Life on my PC
We call that hubris, little runt
Such a beauty
I really don’t care
I belive in flat chest supremacy
Kannas clothes btw
Hentai Protagonist Tohru does not exist, she can't hurt you.
9mm right to the dome
pretty based
Silenced paunch
Israel's War of Independence be like
Gotta make sure i am normal
Don’t care about text just big titty goth girl
And I have no heals!
try it on
Pest Control Guy Don’t Lie
RIP Button-kun. You won't be missed.
Saw something vaguely familiar in the drive thru
He didn't ask for that much
Got a notification to clear my Roomba’s brushes. This wasn’t what I expected.
Deerstracted boyfriend
If you have more then 99 tabs open on chrome, Google stops keeping track, and laughs at you.
why do they all choose the steel pan
So confusing
Pokemon be like
I personally use Animixplay
Led by the spirit
It was thyme for the Portuguese to spice things up
Thanks KyoAni
Good deal
Early impressions of new show "Drugstore in Another: the Slow Life of a Cheat Pharmacist"
Yess sir !!!
Daily Erwin meem #1259
*insert Stewie and Brian's musical about Road Island*
Obvious plant
Mongolia's son
Well Damn, Guess we're in nam
All we need is billion ***ing dollars
Stalin was a cold dude
Can I pls get a straight answer? Pls? Pretty pls?
A certain moustache man is angry
I would knock the ***ing wind out of her
I dont even know what to say anymore
I prefer fries tho
It really is like watching a fever dream
Based and god speed
That football match at Christmas in 1914 feels so long ago now
Hit the road Jack
I call police
the missing peice
social media is ruined
Catholic-Eastern Orthodox relations
Angry birds and Cut the rope was epic bro
So THAT’S what the *** they doing over there
He said penis lol
Anti Vaxxers be like:
Still won’t talk to her
Stop being lazy
I'm halfway done
He is waiting for you
What an undeniably chad move
Oh so that’s the problem?
Felt happy for a second
I think everyone relates to this
Giuseppe Stromboli and the Dilemma of Naming your Child
I’m trying to concentrate here
*Stares in freedom*
Guy Callendar discovering Climate Change
Yo this game is dope
Have you ever heard about the rape of nankin? I thought not, it's not a story the japanese would tell you
I don’t know how I feel it
Today is now.
he will never notice
Been a long time gone
A memorable day for Mr. Death.
Happened to me too many times
Accept this gif
i dread the day i am discovered
Quite wholesome
Shirt like it was made for me!
Can't think of a good title :(
Great Chinese Philosophy
Physically older.
Pixar eh?
he is so generous
She also killed any male sailer under her that rape female prisoners