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Lurking since the purge. Saw the bot wars and the admins tantrums. I contribute as little as possible to this community.

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I poorly drew some big fans on paint
It's enoughto make a grown man cry
I'm a good Christian boy.
Good ol' Mariya
Go get em Big ‘Enry
Go Team USA
society’s logic
Tough choice this one
Daddy wasn't there :(
A man’s best friend
New is hell
Which one you choosing
Jeff Bezos returns from space
It’s morphin time! Wait a minute…
Airsoft gang where ya at?
Photo that became inspiration for Warner Bros. "Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote" Looney Tunes cartoons of a coyote leaping to his death to catch a roadrunner
He lost his title once he rocket left Earth
Dick rocket
Hell hath no wrath like an island scorned
she games
gulity for manslaughter
I tried to explain she got my order wrong, but apparently that was impossible. All this for $2
Moments before disaster strikes
What an interesting spa
The promised neverland why?
And the land of maple was born
If Jeff Bezos ship launched in Japan
I found this at the mechanics
BASED We are Guys
Honestly, whoever made this is a genius.
Move along now, comrades. Nothing to see here; just an elaborate light show
hit her
I can't help but see this
Jeff Bezos after landing back on earth
Ani are you ok ?
Jokes on you, I'm into that!
A New Start, Anus Tart... same thing, right?
Am now tall as a mountain
Follow me for more inspirational quotes
Jeffrey - Jeffrey Bezos!
Chad Masters
Looking like a double wide surprise
they slam
I wonder what is their religion
Prime next day shipping to the moon.
I believe in Kiss shot spremacy
i thought the same thing
If gun don't work use more gun
My “Full Sized” Mjolnir arrived. I’m still happy and I refused to let my moment be ruined.
Please sir… Leave me my dignity
The United States inherited Britain’s naval prowess
dude got no choice
Know your pink hair girl
I "scream" at home
Y'all some lazy people.
pAIn ohto
Candidate Donald Trump holds his first “America First” rally, 2015
Once in a lifetime opportunity
A tree-mendous response by the Allies
WuTangWednesday Warning.
Well, this is tough
Disney |>
Or sometimes not even that, just the divorces.
Nothing wrong here, just a wholesome family
Vivy dictatorship anyone?
Shit was real back in the days
Wikipedia finally recognizes the greatest war ever happened, 1869
American Allies
This is true pain
throw me a friggin bone here
STFU I'm speedrunning on my Gabeboy
Wait... it's 20 years old today?
Imagine watching anime
okay gandalf doc hehe
The '80s
Maximum drip
How quarantine hit over the last year
I hear so many new sounds
You can't have mine
I miss my dad
I'm none of these because I don't sleep
Probably not the best family picture to recreate...
Littering?! NASA can be so trashy at times
Schrödinger's Buttplug
only country below sea level. yet.
Video games are fun
do something pls
Faster than my bullet
Sorry for bad mememaking
screaming the whole
sadness x 100
That's exactly how it works
Say it, I dare ya