My daughter had my wife’s phone on a long car ride. She ordered all the Barbie dream houses from Amazon.

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I hate twitter
I love those two so much
Cursed curtains
Obviously had kaleidoscope eyes as well
Just one more year...
Making a meme of every country's history day 157: Croatia
Wishing you the best
Better than nothing, am I right?
Corporate needs you to find the difference:
aye ...........
Triggered Driver
Guys with long hair can relate
Fun for all the family
Not a fun time to get chlamydia.
No specific topic in mind
Mitochondria is the......
Please don't click sus links tho
I know I know
Always plan ahead
f f f f freestyler
Candice who?
still cute I guess?
Porn is a risk, mkay?
They have enormous health bar.
I am happy being single but still...
Bullying in 2021 be like
Trust me, they might be dirty.
He is the way to the future.
I’m part time vegan
Queen Victoria had 42 grandchildren, and they died from 1866-1981
That’s sad innit
I just had an apostrophe
Shrimps = Ocean ***roaches
That's Understandable ))
Damn, that's so true!
I get like 30 packs for one quesadilla
you light up my life
Tax money well spent
Aquas trying her best tho
out of
Your hubris angers me, Odysseus, son of Laërtes!
I've got 95 reasons for you to *** off
Stay woke, friends.
I’d probably accept less, not gonna lie
Boomer-tier, but I liked it
Here’s some Canadian accomplishments
I love the Shrek-Mike
Gross but true
It has to be done....
I just hope it hasn’t been done
"Yeah welcome to the real world, pal"
Tip of the day:
Based… on old news
look at this doggo
Decimation for kids!
Only time this formula is paying off
"5v1... I like those odds"
Ah yes slip
Your parents are so proud of you ...
A women
Jim Morrison dies of heroin overdose
It's just true
“Only two rounds bro”
It doesn't make sense
They got separroted
No benefits, no livable wage, but plenty of hours to work your life away.
And divided still are
Wait, I'm illegal?
After all these years we finally have it
Portugal in a nutshell
I have an unfortunate last name. Sometimes I get targeted advertisements, that can go horribly wrong.
Winning the extinction lottery
Can't touch the Polish
Martin Luther dislikes this
Dr. Mittens tried to kill me.
You can't have weak evidence ...... if you have no evidence
Love Seat
Dang it Fra... er... Belgium! Im getting fat because of you!
Get doxxed
y always with me?
posted on memes and started a war there.
It's almost like the rest were pampered to death.
Their friendship must be preserved
You don't need to do much to impress me, just being a girl is enough
Your down votes don't impress me
Who knows what they could've been talking about
The clock ticks
gotta admit, bowser is thicc yo
Take responsibility, Subaru.
You guys ready to go to Kaiju Street
Me and you
Vegas, baby!