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"Are you a tranny or why do you constantly use this fairy as a reaction image? Do you identify with it?"
Null, 6.12.2021

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The odds were stacked against the Scots
History is often stranger than fiction.
When everyone is saying The Detective is already dead but no one is asking How is the detective.
Have you ever heard of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise? He died of Ligma.
Dragons in Anime
Genghis, Vasili, Charles, Frederick Wilhelm, Hitler and Stalin
still cute tho
The horny is strong but not as strong as family!
But seriously which one is it
It's true needed it have different meaning ಠωಠ
There were tons of police complaints lodged and since the Police never actually understood why these people were losing their shit, they never acted on them and it fell under gross negligence.
Well that was traumatizing
Jahangir revolted against his father. Two of Jahangir's sons, Khusrau and Shah Jahan revolted against their father. Shah Jahan's sons revolted against him.
Damn, I knew I shouldn't have left my Holy Roman Empire lying around for rogue Napoleons to dissolve
Fma openings
My brother cleaned and organized our bathroom while I was away last week. Last night I accidentally left some things out, so he set this little scene up with his Legos
Droppin my sandwich and haulin' assssss
Apple do be like that
Weekly Contest #121: The Anglo-Dutch Wars
Dumbledore said quietly
Really simple
give me your soul, mortal
It's been a mad week
I love eggs but this has gotten out of control
Ah, i see that you are a man of culture as well
Return to monke
What a legend!
Jahy-sama anime adaptation was good so far
This is something next level
planet wars
...and that was the softest joke in the entire movie. God I miss people being able to take a ***ing joke!
credit to tailzknope for top immage
mmmmm yes popcorn
Well I'm going to wait
It's odd that not much people gave a shit about the Mongols
OMg i can’t believe Oxygen would do that
is it a dog?
This got me thinking...
Congratulations King
Irumi best girl
Oh look the nose is back!!
Ahhhhh retirement
I work at a kindergarten that’s in in a bush setting. I was going to the toilet . This was my view. The children were really creeping me out.
I have arrived
Virgin dick*, I suppose.
The 20th century was a great time for Ireland
Too heavy !!
Fredy Mercury singing the national anthem
Nail them to the ground
Legend says Laika is still searching the ball
Disney took Columbus literally
Atheists will downvote this
Stay safe out there
Works as advertised
I prefer rubberpunk myself, but who am I to judge
Where's your crown, king?
Its true look it up
It's not a matter of "if" things will get worse It's a matter of how and when
My Fav anime girl is John Gotti from Gotti.
Saw this in my newspaper...
Itsame Mario
The whole thing really blew up in poor Alfred Nobel's face
Reframe your mindset
you are breathtaking
I was wrong about the left not being able to meme. This is awesome
Haha Rule 34 Artists go Brrrrtttttt
Am Indian, can confirm
This is going to be a rough one...
Humanity peaked
Fun Fact: Back in the Vietnam war, Vietnamese farmers use the metal from the wreck of shot down US aircraft and made them into household items like pot, pan, cups, chairs,...
I hope I am 10$ richer now
Not in the woods....
Whole Foods staff are tired of your bullsh*t
Skeletor is an icon
Smooth brains, full Facebook feeds, cant lose!
The Great Jahy is a cutie
Luke Sidewalker
It wasn't a good thing
Atlast we meet again
I'll be your imouto-chan
I like what I like ok
I have contracted the stupid
Geese are mean
New on NBC, CIA santcioned Crack dealers.
cops hate him
Larry Tesler, inventor of the cut, copy, and paste commands, dies at 74.
Biggus Dickus is back
Is this why I pay taxes? To see half effort flips?
I wont give up on you
It took a total of 18 employees each working a full day just to count.
Weirdest part is apparently that's official art. (then again Japan and Germany are old friends)
Oh no, the 12 year olds are taking over
Only Prius driver I respect.
Great, now the Americans are here and are loading their shotguns with what can only be described as malicious intent
Taking orders